Part two of training with the gods

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This chapter is for nulu_hanna and cryptic_eyes and to natawolf02 and kkosawsome and Phoenix_slayer and yazata04 and lone_wolf237 and jramos11068 and _Anime_Animal_ thanks for the follows and nalu_hanna I love your books and cryptic_eyes I love your books and natawolf02 I love your books also and anielladragneelluis I love your book called immortal treasures arigato for reading this book so far that means a lot to me

Lucy's p.o.v

I just flying through the air which feels nice the cool air against the skin. Then I was there at Ares place she is like erza and Zulu with the magic but she also is teaching me plans like fighting with the swords and plans for the war or fight she has brown amber hair and dark brown shirt and black skirt with black training boots and she was looking at me and asked if I was ready and I said yes and pump my fist in the air and jump then she was teaching me how to fight with the weapons and defend myself and I learned fast to so now I was at plans for the fight with her and I got it I have to think in my mind and without any powers and it was fun then I went to see how igneel,metalcana,grandeeney and Zulu were and I said to open the gate open gate to fairytail then it open and I walk through it and I was In front of the fairytail doors then I walk in then every one staring at me like they we see things then I said what are you looking at!!!!!!!!!! Then I saw the dragons with there foster children and then everyone started to run to me then I was over by the dragons before they could hug me then after they ran into each other they got up and I was giggling and then I saw sad faces any way I said then I look at the dragons and said hi how you doing then they had a smile and they hugged me then I said cant breath then they let go then Wendy levy and Mira hugged me to and I hugged them back hi guys and of course the exceeds hugged me and I hugged them back how you guys been for 2 year and 11 months ( sorry I didn't say this but lucy was training with Apollo for two months which made one year then lucy train with ares 12 months) and then they all were crying levy, Wendy, and Mira said sorry it's ok I know you didn't mean it I did an evil glare at Lisanna and she did one back I only came to see how the dragons were and to say hi but I have to go back to training see ya and levy here is the book I'm done with it ok thanks levy said with a smile and then I said open gate to the dragon world then I went through it , which I went to sleep because I did not sleep last night I was training with Artemis the goddess of nature and it was 11 months to do that so now I'm on goddess of earth so I have to wake up torromow and train I wonder how's Ryu doing with his training he can't come to the castle yet till he is done with training and it's been a year and 11 months I want to see him again then I went to sleep

Ryu p.o.v

I wonder how lucy is doing I miss her and I'm almost done with training just a few more years and I will be done I'm looking outside it's now dark the stars make me think of lucy because she is so beautiful then I went back in the cave were wave was I then fell asleep

Levy p.o.v

I hugged Lucy and I started to cry because I got to see her one more time before 5 years and then she said, "I have to go train and levy I'm done with my book so here then." I said ok thanks with a smile and then she said, "open fate to the dragon world!" I'm so happy for her

Wendy's p.o.v

I was crying so much when I hugged lucy I missed Lucy so much and now I got to see her for once before 5 years smiled with tears of joy

Mira's p.o.v

I was hugging lucy and started to cry tears of joy and sadness and I know that we won't be able to see her in five years it makes me sad but we got to see her which makes me happy

Lisanna p.o.v

When I saw Lucy here and was hugging my sister and Wendy and levy I saw her evil glare me and I did it back. man she is going to pay zeref I will get lucy heartfillia for you hahaha

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