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Danny pov
I haven't stopped drinking since yesterday I have a problem. My boyfriend had left me and I wanted him back but there is no way of that happening.

I had to meet the band today for a a night out with the mates which was always fun. When I got there they already had a booth ready and where waiting on me.

I took a seat by Cameron he smiled at me and gave me a hug I looked down at my feet. The problem I'm facing right now is that I like Ben . And I'm pretty positive that he's not gay.

I looked at him to see that he was already staring at me, smiling at him while looking down at my feet again looking up again to see that Ben was blushing too.

I made Ben blush ? That's pretty cool buts it's really weird. Well because he's straight as they come and he fucks a guy every night. I tried to think about my food that was coming any minute.

That's when I felt it Bens leg rubbing his leg against mine making me hide the smile I have. I didn't want the mates to question why I was smiling.

When the food came I started to eat fast wanting this night to be over so I can go to sleep. To maybe get over my ex boyfriend. Just maybe....

When we were done eating our food we all paid for the bill and went out drinking like always. But this time it was different. I didn't think this would ever happen but if did.

Ben dragged me to the bathroom into a stall pushing me against the wall and kissed me a soft sweet kiss. He pulled away bitting his lip. "Will you be my boyfriend?" My mouth was hanging open.

I didn't know this would EVER happen to me, I seriously thought he was straight. He kissed me again and again and again. Each time I melted into the kiss he pulled away. " I love you " I've always wanted to hear that from him.

"I love you too" he smile a big smile and kissed me one last time before walking out to the bar again. I lifted my hand to my lips touching them. Ben really did kiss my lips.

And I kissed his back, this was the best day of my life waking out of the bathroom to see Ben waiting for me. "Lets get out of here. He said into my ear smiling he took my hand into his and led me to the bus.

He pushed me into his bunk getting on top of me smiling and kissing all over my face. Making me giggle he look into my ears and I did the same. Looking into his beautiful blue ocean eyes.

We laid in each other arms me being the big spoon and Ben the small spoon kissing his head before he went to sleep. He laughed waiting for the mates to get back from drinking.

When they finally came back we closed the curtain and fell asleep in each other's arm

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