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It was almost my birthday and Denis and i have sex for a couple of day's i need him and his body like now. Maybe he is planning on birthday sex and maybe i'll let him top this time i don't know yet waking up Denis he moaned and turned around. Smiling that beautiful smile and kissing me on the lips.

It started to get more heated but he pulled away before it i could take things to the next level he pulled away . "Maybe later babe" Denis whispered into my ear groaning in annoys Denis got up from the bed putting clothes on watching him get ready for the day wanting him but i don't think i could get him to have sex with me but i was willing to try.

Walking up to his standing behind him starting to push him against me starting to rub my hard length against him making him moan. He turned around starting to kiss me running my hands up and down his back making the kiss deeper. But there was a knock on the door making both of us groan. Pulling away from the kiss to see the mates i wanted them to leave because Denis was going to let me fuck him.

"Hey mate remember that we were going to do band practice i was so upset right now i didn't want to do band practice today i wanted Denis to fuck me for my birthday. "Oh yeah i forgot about" giving them a fake smile before walking out the door i went to Denis and kissed him. The kiss started off normal but then it got more heated i wanted him too but he told me to go with the mates.But right now i didn't care at the moment slowly going down his body to his ass slowly grabbing it making him moan.

"Um you know that were right here and see everything right" Cameron said pulling away smiling at Denis looking at Denis who was pouting he didn't want me to go and i didn't want to go either but the mates won't take no for a answer. " Come on where going to be late" Screamed Cameron from the door. Kissing Denis one more time before walking out the door.

I walked to the car to see Denis looking out the window he was waving goodbye we were about to have sex. For my birthday.... I love when we have birthday sex it was the best kind of sex there is.


I was determined that i was going to have birthday sex with Ben even if that's the last thing i do i was going to get him to fuck me by the end of the night. We were almost about to have sex bur the mates got in the way again. Getting the bath ready for the both of us and setting flowers all around the room to make it more inviting.

I wanted to make sure that this was the best birthday sex we ever have i don't think i can top last year but i'm going to try my best. Ben was out with the mates to make sure everything looked all right for tomorrows show that they were going to play at. And is going to be home soon and i wanted to make sure that everything looked okay.

I wanted him to fuck me hard enough where i can't sit for a long ass time he was the best at fucking me and i loved it. Getting dressed sexy so that i will turn on Ben i already asked my friend about doing something bedroom wise and she said that i should top for once. That's if Ben will even let me do that.

I wanted to make sure that i was going to top tonight i wanted to make sure that i can pleasure Ben and make him mine all over again. And make sure that i'm doing a good job pleasuring Ben because he is my one and only. Soon i was done with getting everything ready i sat down at the couch and waited for Ben to come home.

I heard the car door open and slam shut getting up going to the wall where the full length mirror pulling up my skirt a little and to make me look more sexy for Ben to make him want me more and fuck me harder than he has before and make me a moaning mess. Just likes me to be loud and scream his name.

I heard the door open looking to see that it was only Ben smiling he walked over to me and smiled at me before pulling me into a kiss letting his hands travel up and down my body. Stopping at my ass. Making me moan into the kiss and grip onto his hair making him moan into the kiss. He wanted me and i wanted him i was going to get him to fuck me so hard that i won't be able to sit down anytime soon.

I pulled away from the kiss and looked at Ben " come with me " i mouth making him shiver a little as he follows me. Slowly walking to the bathroom starting to undress grabbing a bottle from the side of the bathtub and slowly poured some in a glass. I handed him the glass and poured one for myself slowly sliding into into the bathtub.

Ben following after me we set down our glasses getting closer to his face kissing him he kissed back softly. But it getting more heated i climbed on top of him slowly moving my hips making him moan into the kiss reaching down between our body's to touch him slowly stroking him making him moan even louder.

"Baby we need to take this somewhere else" He whispered into my ear making my heart flutter making me nervous we have had sex together before but i feel like this is different than the other times we've had sex. Because the mates knew we were dating and about our sex life because Ben told them about it. So if i mess up i will never hear the end of it climbing out the water grabbing onto Ben's hand and leading him to the bedroom.


Denis pushed me down on the bed and got on top of me kissing me slowly going down his body to where he needed to be touched the most. Slowly taking off his pants looking back up at him and smiling. Kissing my way back up his body to where his nipples where making him moan and arch his backwards. " Ben please quit the teasing i need you" i smiled nodding my head before kissing him.

Taking off my pants and boxers kissing Denis hips as he slowly started to wiggle underneath me i slowly grabbed my erection and slowly started to move myself inside of him before i though about moving. I started to thrust a little slow at first and then started to go faster leaning down to hear the small moans that left Denis mouth.

I wanted to do this all night for my birthday maybe there will be a round two and three tonight i'm just hopping. I started pushing deeper into Denis making him moan louder and start to scream my name some more. Making me want to fuck him harder but i don't have that much left in me to do that at the moment.

He started to wiggle underneath me " faster Ben please " doing as i was told to do starting to go faster. I started to rub onto his member i could tell that i was close and i could tell that Denis was close to not only because i was rubbing onto his dick but he's moans became more frequent and became more louder.

"Come for me baby" i whispered into his ear making him shiver his legs that were wrapped around my waist started to shake and quiver. He was pulling on my hair making me close to climax. When he came all over my chest and on his stomach the sudden tightness made me come to. Screaming Denis name as i came down from my high Ben pulled out of me moaning as he pulled out looking down at Denis and smiling.

I wanted to do this over and over again but we need to sleep because i have a meeting with the mates and i wanted to make sure that everything goes alright. I began running my hands down Denis back and smiled he was the love of my life and i can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

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