Denis, Danny

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I was teaching a class i was in love with one of my students and i wanted him to be mine and i would do everything to be with him. The popular kids where messing with him the one i love Denis, He was skinny and fit maybe the same height maybe he was a little bit taller than me but it doesn't matter i wanted to kiss his neck and make him moan my name.

I turned towards the class with a big smile " well does anyone know the answer to my question?" Looking up at Denis he wasn't paying attention."Mr Stoff" he didn't answer me " Mr Stoff. I walked to his desk and tapped on the desk "pay attention to what i'm saying it's important its going to be on the test.

I needed alone time with him coming up with an idea " And for not paying attention you have to stay after school detention. He looked up at me " iv'e never gotten detention ever please don't make me. Fuck i like when he beg's " i'll see you after school Mr Stoff i walked back to my desk and handed out paper for the class to do while i sit here and stare at Denis.

I'm not creepy or maybe i am but oh well i was in love with him and i wanted to fuck him senseless. And that was my main goal for today to take Denis virginity and that was going to happen. When the bell rang for the end of the day Denis wasn't late at all he was a good boy that turns me on. "Sit down " i commanded doing so as i asked him to do " you've been a bad boy you need too be punished.

Sitting down on my desk Denis was biting his lip making me wonder what he was thinking " what are you thinking about" i heard myself but before i finished what i was about to say to him. He walked over to my desk pushing me down on my desk " well i was thinking of you fucking me in my tight little hole.

I went to the door to make sure that i locked the door and the blinds so that know one could see what we were doing in here and make sure that nobody knows that i'm about to fuck Denis i wanted this for so long. Turning around to see that he already took off his skirt and panties the only thing that i needed to take off was his shirt. And he will be fully exposed to me oh how i wanted him so bad.

It was my turn to tease him a little i wanted this to go on forever but knowing that people where going to know about my absence. "We only have a few minuets to get this done" i whispered into his ear. He nodded his head dragging me onto the Desk he was on top of me if he wanted to control then okay anything for Denis.

He slowly took off my jeans kissing down my body to where he needed to be touched the most he took off my boxer throwing them somewhere in the room. He took off his shirt so that we were both naked. He grabbed my dick his hands on my chest legs on either side of me slowly sliding down on me making us both moan he leaned down to kiss me before he started to move again.

He started to slowly move up and down on me making me moan throwing my head back in pleasure. He was biting his lip and letting out soft moans making sure to to be not to loud so that know one knows. He started to go faster he made the perfect O face making him let out a loud moan as i must have hit something inside of him.

"Master right there" He moaned making me moan at the sound of him calling me master i thrust my hips up towards him so that we were in the same pace. "Ugh fuck " he moaned the desk was slightly creaking every time Denis moved up and down but forgetting it when i was almost there. " Fuck you make me feel so fucking good. "

I moan my hands wrapped around Denis waist starting to grip tighter making him bounce up and down harder on me. Making me cum inside of Denis i pushed him down on the desk bring his ass towards me slamming inside of him making him moan louder " shhh we have to be quite. " I wanted for him to cum i wanted to be the only one to make him cum for the rest of his life.

"Fuck Danny he screamed while he came all over my desk making me smile i made him cum untouched. I pulled out of him getting up from the desk and walking to get my clothes while Denis was still panting. Trying to catch his breath" Damn you liked to be fucked hard" i laugh at him. He frowned at me but smiled at the same time. " that because you fucked me so well" he said to me. " well we should go for round two at my place." He smiled at me " yeah sounds fucking awesome."


I just got done fucking my teacher he looked at me like i was the best thing to ever happen to him. I knew he had a thing for me i fucked all my teachers it was a good way to sleep around but Danny is the best fuck so far i followed him to his car laughing like children. He makes me feel so alive maybe this was the thing iv'e been waiting for my whole life my one and only love i wanted to be with him forever and plus i wanted him to fuck me over and over and over again.

We were driving home he couldn't keep his hands off of me i wanted him to this is the best thing ever. " Ohhhhhhhh fuck Danny faster " i scream while Danny is on top of me. " fuck just like that baby?" I moaned louder since we didn't have to me quite." Fuck daddy fuck me faster " well we weren't really alone Danny had a maid and she is probably hearing the bed repeatedly while i'm screaming Danny's name.

I came all over Danny him coming inside of me " fuck" he screamed he pulled out of me rolling so that he was facing me" what are we " i heard myself blurt out. he laughed " boyfriend and boyfriend silly " i smiled up at him kissing on his lips. "Well don't get me started again he mumbled." Maybe i want to go for a round two i smiled up at him making him moan but before we could do anything else we heard " Mr Worsnop would you like anything to eat or drink" totally ruining the moment.

He sighed " no thanks Tiffany were good" He got up when she closed the door it was dark i must have forgotten the time. Well time fly's when your having fun right good thing i didn't have to go back to my parents house they would kill me. I got up starting to put my clothes back on before i could even start getting dressed he pushed me down on the bed " your not going anywhere " he smirked.

" Are you sure you want me to say " i look into his eyes to see if there where doubt in his eyes but there was nothing but pure love for me. " Of course i want you to stay your the love of my life nothing in the world would ever change. I smiled " okay can at least have my boxers on its kinda cold" he laughed " of course you can i'm not a monster."

I slowly put my boxers back on the weekend went by fast looking at my house i missed Danny already. Getting ready to do my homework collage suck you know. I kept thinking of all the stuff that me and Mr Worsnop did all weekend. It was a fifty shades gray kind of thing it was so hot he tied me to the bed so that i couldn't touch myself and start to lick my dick smiling a little this weekend was so hot i loved him with everything that i have.

Walking to my class with my boyfriend he smiled when he saw me but pretended to smile at the next student that was walking in. I sat in the front of the room people called me a nerd but its a better view of my soon to be husband. Yes Danny asked me to marry him yesterday i have the ring on but we won't be getting married until i graduate. Which is in a few days.

"I Denis take you Danny to be my my husband to have and to hold for better or for worst for richer or for poor. In sickness and in health for long as we both shall live."

" I Danny take you Denis to be my husband to have and to hold for better of for worst for richer or for poor. In sickness and in health for as long as we both shall live. "

By the power vested in me by the state of New York i may now pronounce you husband and husband you may now kiss the bride. Danny smile before whipping my tears away and kissing me we went on our honeymoon " and guess what i'm pregnant!" me and Danny are happily together and this would never have happened if i never got Detention....

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