Danny & Denis

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Danny Fluff
It was amazing how thing can change so fast, I found the love of my life at a bar. He was hot and had a accent which sound so hot. He was just hot all around making me love him even more.

I don't love him because of his looks his personality is pretty awesome too. He had a great sense of humor and like to do most of this stuff I liked to do. We were a perfect match. And I loved him because of that I was walking to my car.

Getting into the car and starting to drive I was going to my boyfriend house... That sound so weird " boyfriend" it was always weird to call him my boyfriend. In the past I've only been with girl. So he was the first guy I'm ever going to date.

I think I might end up marrying him but that's to far into the future to get into now. Anyways i was at his house honking the horn. Watching him trying to rush to get out of the house. He looked so cute I couldn't help it "hey " Denis said before he leans over to kiss me I kiss him back before it could get heated he pulled away.

We were taking things slow we didn't want to rush this relationship. We want everything to happen at its own pace you know so things don't go wrong. Nothing was going to go wrong I just wanted Denis to make the choices in the relationship.

I was okay with everything well almost everything, his ex keeps texting me that he is going to end up killing Denis one day. If we don't break up we called the police but they weren't any help either.

I wanted to protect and care for Denis I loved him. We were at the tour buss we have been talking nonsense for the past forty-five minutes to the tour bus. I was taking him in tour with me this should be fun I wanted to let Denis experience everything life has to give to him.

When we got on the bus we were the first one on the bus. So I carried Denis to the bunks putting him in one and laying him down. I laid down. With him him scooting over to make room for me I kissed him again he rolled that he was on top of me.

"Denis " i moan as he started to kiss my neck he pulled away and looked at me with a smirk on his face. " yeah?" He straddle me his hips against mine it felt so good."

" let's wait we're in not big rush let's just cuddle" he smile and nodded his head we accidentally fell asleep. Waking up to the door slamming shut. He groaned and rolled around so that we were face to face. He kissed me softly waking me up.

I moaned he pulled away "what happening " I asked "your friends are finally here." I rubbed my eyes before yawning and getting out of the bunk. Denis following after me.
It was ben and his wife that finally came Bens wife didn't like me for some reason. I never did anything wrong to her. I don't like Ben like that he was my friend walking into what they call the living room. I was friends with Danny for a long time.

Maybe I had feeling for Ben and knew he I did and he told her that I liked him. I don't remember flirting with him at all. Well it doesn't matter now I was with Danny and he makes me happy.

And I don't care about his wife she took out her makeup bag. " I'm going to go do my makeup "fuck she is going to be in there for a hour tops. I need to piss I'm going to have to wait I guess. Ben and Danny were talking.

I went to sit on Danny's lap he wrapped his legs around my waist. Smiling at myself looking to see that Ben was staring at me. "BEN " we were Ciara scream oh my god here we go again they are going to fight again over something stupid like always.

We hear screaming from the back of the bus shifting uncomfortable in Danny lap. He cloud tell I was uncomfortable he looked at me "let's go out and do something. I nodded my head and we left the bus.

We ended up at the mall so we were in hot topic looking at new band merchandise. I wanted a black veil brides shirt and my boyfriends band shirts, Asking Alexandria. Maybe I'll find on walking up to the cash register. "Hi how may u help Y-you. "

She stuttered when she saw Danny, " Oh......My ...... God your Danny Worsnop!" She looked like she was going to cry. I wouldn't blame her I cry sometimes because of how lucky I am to have him as a boyfriend.

"Can I take a picture with you ?!" Danny smile "of course" she took out her phone and handed it to me. "Can you please take a photo of us" I smiled "of course" I said.

He had a big smile on his face so did the girl, she started to cry a little. " I know this is stupid and you here this all the time. But I'm a big fan of Asking Alexandria and you. Basically saved my life and I'm so honored to meet you."

Danny hugged her one last time "Denis are you ready to go?" I shook my head no " I turned around to the girl "do you happen to have by any chance have a Asking Alexandria shirt. I've been dying to have one "

Danny looked at me "baby if you wanted a Asking Alexandria shirt you could have just asked me. I would love to give you a Asking shirt."

I nodded my head "okay thanks " she was still looking at Danny. It was getting pretty weird." So is this all your going to buy?" I looked her in the eye "yes " she nodded her head ringing up the shirts I bought.

I was about to pull out my credit card but Danny stopped me. "You're not buying anything when I'm around" he smiled then kissed me. He pulled away from the kiss buy the clothes she put the clothes in the bag and gave them to me.

With a smile on her face, "well you made her day" looking at Danny. "Yeah I guess i did " had a big smile on his face. This is the first time I've ever seen Danny this happy.

Yes he was always happy with me but not with other people. He never liked to talk to anyone he always kept to himself. But to see him happy meant the world to me when he smiles I smile.

When he's sad I'm sad you know, I'm so lucky to have a boyfriend like him. We walked back to the car we sat in the car he looked at me . "You know I love you right" Danny said all of a sudden "yeah why what's wrong."

Nothing I just want to keep reminding you how much you mean to me. I grabbed his hand and kissed it " I love you too the moon and back I would take a bullet for you."

That made Danny smile " I love you too " smiling we got back to the tour bus. Ben and his wife made up by makeup sex

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