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I was excited i was going to met my boyfriend of two year right now and i'm so excited to finally meet him. I can't wait at all sitting at the mall looking around around to see where he was feeling someone tap my shoulder turning around to see the love of my life.

Ben was more handsome than he was in his pictures like my god he was so hot and he was in a band called Asking Alexandria. I've listen to most of there song they are pretty cool i can't wait to see him perform live tonight he was perfect in his way. Even thought we have been dating for two years he still meant the world to me.

He grabbed my hand kissing it after that he grabbed my arm and dragged me to his car smiling as he laughed. He opened the door for me i slid into the car Ben following me closing the door behind him. He smiled and leaned in to kiss him.

He smiled at me when he pulled back " my god that smile that can kill someone with that look" i would love to have a life with him one day maybe if that ever happens you never know with Ben we have had our ups and downs.

But we always end up together and we were perfectly happy together i wanted him to be happy and i will do anything to keep him happy. I would walk to the end of the earth to make him happy. We were driving to where he was going to play tonight i was excited to meet the other band member.

When we got there his mates where already there smiling at them they all looked every attractive. But one stood out the lead singer i think i remember his name as Denis the one that always was drunk. Ben had a thing with Denis but he called it off because he found him fucking another person.

Me and Ben are not ready for sex i wanted to wait until it was the right time to let Ben take that away. I loved him and everything i tried to shake Denis hand but he just nodded his head and went back stage. " Don't worry about him where about to fire him anyways " I smiled at him and kissed him he kissed back and pulled away.

I want to show you something since we don't start until later on tonight i have a surprise for you at the house. Nodding my head and letting him lead me to the when we got there he put his hands in front of my eyes so i can't see what was in the house.

"Are you ready ?" Ben whispered into my ear nodding my head he pulled his hands away from my face smiling the apartment looked so nice we talked about me moving in but it was to early for that. I can't wait for tonight we spent the rest of the day talking about nothing but sweet nothings laying in bed and smiling each other.

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