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Sam                        Smut
If was the morning of our wedding and I couldn't wait to see Cameron as I walked down the isle. He was finally be mine forever and always. Even though he already was mine it was a different bond that were gong to have for the rest of our life.

I was getting ready to walk down the isle Ben and his wife we there so was Denis and his boyfriend Danny. They got married to years ago and are happily married. I wanted that with Cameron.

I knew he was the one I wanted to marry and be in my life forever. Denis was going to walk me down the isle since my dad doesn't approve of this wedding. I loved Denis he was the best friend and man could ever ask for.

"Are you ready " Denis asked shaking me head yes I was ready to spend forever with Cameron. Denis was walked over to Danny to kiss him before walking out of the room with me. Danny was the first one to walk down the isle the wedding march playing in the background.

I started to cry this was really happening it wasn't a pretend anymore. He actually wanted to be with me and I wanted to be with him. After all these months of planning for the wedding. It was the day for Cameron and I.

When everyone was done walking down the isle the Music changed to canon in D. Letting me know that it was time to walk down the isle I squeeze Denis hand as we started walking down the isle.

We were taking it step by step one foot at a time, we were turning around the corner. When I finally saw him the love of my life my one and only. After all the fights and stupid shit we have done. We finally made it here we were close to Cameron by now. When we got to Cameron the priest started talking.

"Who give the is man to be wed" Denis let go of my hand and placed it in Cameron's hand feeling the warm touch of his skin

I started crying at that point it was just to much for me to handle. " Friends, we have joined here today to share with Cameron James Liddell and Sam bettley an important moment in their lives. Their time together, they have seen their love and understanding of each other grow and blossom and now they have decided to live out the rest of their lives as one."

I never thought this day would come to be honest, i thought that I would be alone forever. And have to live with cars for the rest of my life.

"Now repeat after me I, Cameron , take you Sam , to be my husband , to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part.
I, Sam , take you, Cameron James Liddell , to be my husband , my friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward. In the presence our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live."

I Cameron give you Sam this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you."

"Cameron looked up at me whipping my tears away before holding my hands and slipping on the ring "

"I Sam give you Cameron this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you."

"I present to you Mr and Mr Cameron Liddell I present to you the newly married couple,"

"You may now kiss the bride" Cameron wasted no time in kissing me he smashed our lips together. The kiss was sweet and soft. But getting more heated as it went on he pulled away and turned us around so that we were facing the crowed.

They applauded standing up Denis was crying and Danny had him in his arms. " that is so cute " I thought to myself. We were at the reception and everyone was giving speeches.

It was time for my best friend to give a speech Ben and then Danny who seemed to be missing and so was Denis. That can't keep it in there pants long enough to give a speech.

" Hi my name is Ben and I've know this guy for 10 year and in those ten year a lot of great stuff has happened. He met Cameron while we're forming our band and the to feel in love instantly.

I remember there first date Cameron was pretty nervous to take Sam on a date and he kept asking for advice to give him I told him to take a deep breath relax and breath.

After there date Cameron told me that they had there first kissed and thought that he had messed it up but he didn't. That same night he asked him to marry him and here we are. At there wedding. Cheers "

"Cheers "

Soon it was time for the flowers to be tossed into the crowed everyone formed a crowed   turning around 1.....2.......3 i threw the bouquet. Looking to see who caught the bouquet it was Denis had caught it smiling to myself. Danny walked over to Denis and kissed him making him blush. everyone clapped. The wedding was after a couple of minutes Danny and Denis rushed out of the wedding. Probably going home to have sex again Before we go on tour tomorrow Cameron and I don't get to have a wedding just yet when we get back from tour i guess.

After we thanked everyone for coming to our wedding we walked to our car Cameron opened the door for me. Slapping my ass as i walked into the car making me squeal we were driving to our house to have some alone time. If you know what i mean i wanted him the kiss at the wedding when the priest told Cameron that he could kiss me.

There was need in the kiss and something else i can't tell what else was in the kiss it was something i could not identify. We got home he carried me to the house and opened the door kicking it shut and kissing me  he started to undo the buttons on my shirt feeling his hand running up and down my body.

Making me moan into the kiss he walked faster to the bedroom and pushed me down on the bed before taking off his tux leaning down to kiss me. He kissed me hard and rough. Like he fucks me hard and rough. I was getting turned on i was undoing his buttons on his shirt he pulled away form the kiss to take off his shirt.

Helping him take of his shit we stayed like that for a while just kissing each other when i felt him start to grind his hips against mine making me moan into the kiss my hand was exploring his body. When i finally decided to take off his pants. Pulling them off along with mine we were both in our boxers now. Cameron being the teaser he is started to grind against me again " please just just fuck me"

Cameron looked at me a me a little worried but nodded his head we've had sex before. He was just scared that he was going to be too rough for me. He started to kiss me while I felt him slide into me.

He slowly started to move in a little at a time, the pleasure I was feeling was too much for me to handle. I threw my head back feeling the please conquer my body.

Making me shake with each thrust of Cameron, he was letting out much more quite Moans and groans then me I was trying to  hold my moans back. But failing at it though.

I was getting louder of each thrust of Cameron I felt myself getting closer and closer to climax I could tell that Cameron was close because his moans got louder and his thrust become even more sloppier.

He reached down and started to stroke me in time with his trust making me come while screaming his name. So he came too. Push as deep as he could go and entering his seed inside of me.

He pulled out and I let out a whimper "that was great baby you did a great job " he kissed me check and I smiled

Hello I never do this but thank you for reading this story when I made this story I never thought anyone would read it thank you for voting and reading. Request are always open. Just tell me the ship and smut or no Smut and I will write it as soon as possible

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