Denis & Danny

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It was around Thanksgiving time when Danny left for tour i just woke up  stretching and yawing and turning around to see Danny not their. It was upsetting but Ben and his girlfriend Samantha where coming over so this should be fun. Getting up and running to the part of the house where the heat was. Turning up the heat and walking back to Danny and Mine bedroom the thing was i sleep only in boxers and it just started to get cold and i haven't got use to it yet. 

Getting dressed when i heard a knock on the door, shit they came early i got into one of Danny shirt that i could practically swim in, when i opened the door Ben's daughter Fae came and hugged my leg. Fynn was in his arms sound asleep. I didn't want kids they where always a bother to me and Ben having kids is not going to be enough.

They walked into Danny and mine house " baby can you go into the car i left my phone" he asked Samantha." she nodded her head and walked our the door, " Mate i'm cheating on her with this really hot girl. I looked at him shocked " but you have kids how is that going to work out !? "

"When Samantha is out on her business trip she come over and hangs out with the kids, She is a great mom to the kids." i looked at him like he was stupid before i could say anything someone knocked on the door before walking in. " Danny " Ben said before he could hug him i ran up to Danny and gave him a big hug and a kiss.

" Well hi baby i missed you too" he smiled at me and picking me up and spinning me around, i was  excited that Danny was home. So that we had alone time and to do stuff that iv'e been wanting to do. I was excited for tonight and i couldn't wait any longer while Samantha went to go get food. 

Before Ben could finish talking to Danny i dragged him to our room and unbutton his pants, " Fuck me now" was all i had to say. " Danny knew we had time to fuck, he pushed me down on the bed taking of my shirt as fast as humanly possible. We were both naked  " how bad do you want this dick baby tell me and i will penetrate you so bad. That you won't be able to walk anytime soon." 

"I want your dick so bad daddy,  please fuck me please i'm so fucking hard for you -" Before i could finish the sentence Danny slammed into me. without warning making me scream his name. He kissed me to keep quite so i don't scream but then he stopped kissing me  kissing down my body to where my nipples as he started to suck and bite at them making me throw my head back.

" Fuck Danny right there right there " i moan really loud making him smile i wanted this for so long and i was so close. "Danny i'm close fuck " he got what i wanted reaching down and starting to stroke my erection to his thrust that got sloppier by the minute. Making me moan even louder then before. With a couple more thrust i came onto Danny, He smiled and started to kiss me harder a minute later he came inside me. 

Making me moan louder, he pulled out of me before he could get off the the bed i pushed him down on the bed. and licked the cum off his body he smiled. Before i could do anything else the door bell rang. He got up and started to put his clothes back  on me following after him, When we walked back to the living room. 

Seeing Samantha and Ben hugging " What the fuck happened and what did i miss ?" Ben looked shocked." Well i asked her to marry me and she said yes !" Danny walked up to Ben and hugged him. " congratulations " when we were having a beer and i got alone time with Ben, I had to ask " what about the  what about the other girl"  I whispered into his ear " forget her Samantha is the best thing that has ever happen to me in a long time. 

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