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It has been a week since Brandi has broken up with me to leave me for some guy named Denis she just met at a bar the night before. I was in my bunk listening to the mates having fun while i was trying not to cry trying to hold the tears back. When all of a sudden their was a bright light and looking up to see who ripped opened my bunk curtain open looking up at Ben who was looking at me,"  What's wrong mate ? "  i started to cry. 

Ben climbed into my bunk and wiped away my tears off my face " its okay mate tell me what happen." I was just silent looking at Ben crying a little as i opened my mouth to speak, but nothing coming out. I tried again " Brandi left me for that Denis kid we saw a while back and she told me that he was better than me." Ben sat himself up on his elbow so that he could look me in the eyes. 

" She is totally wrong and that Denis Stoff guy is a asshole i knew it the first time i saw him, you deserve  better. And whoever that person is a lucky girl to have you as a boyfriend even though you are a asshole." Ben said making me laugh a little Ben always knew how to make me smile that's why i love him. Wait did i just say i loved him i thought i was straight maybe i wasn't i always stared at Ben and his nice ass. 

When all of a sudden i felt a pair of lips on mine when Ben didn't kiss back i started to freak out, But he started to kiss me back. This was everything i wanted when i felt myself being pushed on top of Ben.I pulled away from Ben and smiled he smiled back at me before i could kiss him again, Cameron screamed that it was time for band practice i kissed Ben one last time before getting out of the bunk Ben following after me a couple of minutes later. 

After band practice we sat in  the front lounge and talked when Ben sat next to me i wanted to talk to him in private but the mates would get suspicious. I don't want them to know about me and Ben whatever we are. Maybe he was just being nice and stuff i heard he has a new girlfriend, I wish we where something that would be nice dating someone who likes you back who won't leave you for some dirt bag. 

Pulling Ben to the back lounge " mate what are we" he smiled laughing  " James will you be my boyfriend?" i smiled nodding my head kissing Ben, He kissed me back i pulled away " promise me you will never leave me. "I promise i won't i'm not Brandi i love you to much to do that to you. Looking into Ben's eyes nodding my head after the concert their where fans by tour bus smiling and taking picture with the fans,  when we were done with the fans we headed towards the hotel that we were going to be staying at tonight. 

I was excited because me and Ben where sharing a room together  for the first time and maybe something will happen... I wasn't going to get my hopes up but i hoped that i would happen he was just to damn attractive. I just wanted to be in his arms and cuddle lay my head on his chest and just be relaxed. Or maybe i just wanted to have sex with him and that was what i was really hoping for. 

Either one won't mind me at all i just wanted to be with Ben and that's all that matter's. When we got to the hotel the mates went into their room Cameron shared a room with Sam Ben and i got our own room and Danny and his girlfriend. It all work out  we got to the room when Ben pushed me against the wall kissing me deeply with so much love in the kiss. I knew where this was heading and it made me excited. 

I wanted to do this for so long, I picked up Ben and threw him on the bed me getting on top of him. Taking off my own shirt before helping Ben take off his shirt, He looked so sexy with his shirt off. Kissing his neck when he moaned my name it made me grow even harder  kissing down his body to the beginning of his pants. slowly undoing them  pulling them off leaving him only in his boxers. 

Pulling away to pull down my pants and boxers pulling off Ben's boxer off " wait " Ben said. Making look at him with a sweet face, " what's wrong? " he looked at me and started to cry " Ben what is wrong you have to tell me seeing you cry is going to make me cry." Ben looked at me " i'm a virgin and i've never done anything sexual before. But maybe give some guy in high school that was my boyfriend a blow job and that's it"

I looked at my beautiful boyfriend " Ben if you don't want to do anything than that's fine, I'm not going to make you do anything you don't want to do. " Ben just kissed me and got on top of me climbing on top of me making me bite my lip when Ben sat on my lap and started to move his hips against mine making me moan.  A little because he just felt so good " alright enough with the teasing." I say before turning Ben on his back and  threw him on the bed making him moan again. 

We were  both naked and i was still on top of Ben kissing him as i slowly entered him he pulled away from me and gasped for air. And scrunched up his face stopping for a moment " are you okay?" i asked him. He smiled and nodded his head, "Perfect " he smiled i started to move when i asked if it was okay for me to move. As i started to move i felt pleasure wash over me making me moan loud. 

Ben smiled and looked at me, I looked into his eyes as i was moving inside of him. He felt so good it was amazing. I started to stroke Ben in time with my thrust making him start to moan louder to he was finally starting to feel pleasure. A couple more thrust Ben came all over my stomach. Me coming a few seconds after Ben but coming inside a condom it felt so good to be inside of Ben that i wanted to do it again and again and again. 


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