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Denis pov

It was the night before Christmas and Ben had fallen asleep hours ago i wanted to surprise him but i couldn't think of anything at the moment. Maybe something will pop up tomorrow and i can finally take Ben by surprise tomorrow.

That would be fun.... maybe letting my mind wonder off to other places letting me finally sleep when i woke up it came to my mind getting us a puppy to start off a family but maybe adding kids later. Ben goes on tour a lot and if we had kids me and the kids would miss him i wanted to make sure that we were ready for that type of commit.

I wake up to see Ben sleeping next to me, i wanted to wake him up deciding better of it slowly getting out of bed kissing Ben's head making him roll over and moan. Smiling to myself walking to the kitchen making something to eat for me and Ben. Making Bacon, eggs and pancakes Ben's favorite making sure that i don't burn the eggs or the pancakes.

When i finished cooking i walk over to Ben's bedroom we live in different houses we were not ready to move in together we were taking things slow well we have sex but other than that we take things slow. I wanted him but we were going to have to wait Ben was leaving in two days for tour. And if i got pregnant i don't know what would happen we were trying for a kid which the process of trying for a kid is awesome i'm not sure about giving birth i might knock Ben out for getting me pregnant.

But that is something we will have to wait until we get there i walked to the bedroom and woke up Ben with kissing him. He smiled and woke up looking at me i looked at him and kissed him again. He got out of bed and smiled at me i wanted to be with him in the bed but i knew we had to get up .

Grabbing onto his hands and dragging him to the kitchen where i made food and breakfast for him. I wanted Ben but that was going to have to wait until after breakfast maybe but i had to go to the store first to get his present that wasn't only going to be me but a dog to.

Kissing Ben goodbye walking to the the car to go to the animal shelter, where i could find a good dog for Ben and i to have. I wanted to make sure i found the right dog for the both of us when i found the one i went back home to see that the lights where dim and i knew where this was heading. Smiling to myself he is the perfect boyfriend i was so lucky to have him in my life, walking through the doors to see Ben standing naked in the kitchen.

Smiling walking over to Ben " i have a surprise for you " i whispered into his ear, He smiled back at me. "And what would that be" he whispered i walked to the door " i bought us a new dog " Ben had a big smile on his face i was so happy to see him smile. Making sure the door was lock and nobody was going to come in.

We had sex and it was awesome laying in bed and waiting for Ben to come out from the bathroom, I wanted to go for another round but it was to late for that to happen so we went to bed. Waking up the next day looking down at Ben waiting for him to wake up i smiled while i was looking at him we was my everything.

He was the reason why i woke up in the morning the reason i live and breath today that all sounds stupid but it's true. He was the reason i get out of bed his ex Danny fucked him up pretty badly but i was there for him and he was there for me when i was in need. We laid in bed for the rest of the day.

But I had to get stuff ready for today getting out of Bed  I wanted to make sure everything was great and nothing was going to go wrong. For what I had planned tonight for Christmas

Quickly walking out the door to our car driving to the nearest pet store. To get Ben the dog he's been talking about for a couple weeks. Going to be the good boyfriend I am buying for Ben the love of my life.

I paid for the dog, I don't what we're going to name the dog but it looked so cute. I knew for sure that Ben was going to love it. Walking Into the door to see Ben was up and making food.

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