Danny X Denis

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Denis pov                      Smut

I was waiting at the table my hands started to get sweaty ever more then they were a few minutes ago. I was on a blind date with someone name Danny he seemed like a nice guy  by the way we've been texting. But maybe he is the one better then your last boyfriend Dusty who used to him me all the time looking at the time to make sure that he was going to be on time and won't waist my time.

I put my phone away looking up to see the front man of Asking Alexandria i got up and walked towards him what an amazing time to be here. Hi Danny i'm a big fan of yo.. " he stopped me in the mid of my sentence. " You must be Denis hi i'm Danny i'm your date for the night" i looked into his eyes this was not happening i'm on a date with the Danny Worsnop.

The man I've looked up to since i started to sing " oh my god i'm sorry for staring at you it's just your my favorite person in the whole world. " Danny smiled taking my hand in his and leading me where i was sitting before he came into the restaurant we sat down he sat in front of me. "so what do you do for a living. ?"

Danny asked " i looked up from my menu " i um i'm trying to make it into the music industry " Danny must have liked that because he had a bigger smile on his face then before. " What do you do for a living " i already knew the answer but it was always nice to ask the other person what they do for a living too. "

" I'm the front man for Asking Alexandria you knew already because of that tell me Denis what is your favorite song that we play? " i had to think about it  " i think my favorite has to be when the light come on honestly" He smiled the waiter came and gave us drinks we talked a little bit more then came the food we sat in silence while we ate.

When we were done it was time to pay for the bill reaching over to grab the bill but before i could Danny too it out of my hand. " I don't want someone as you to pay for dinner on our first date. " Our first date did he really say that snap out of it Denis your going to make him think you're weird.

"T-Thanks " i stumble he makes me smile " maybe he is the one?"  he took my hand dragging me out  of the place into the car and started to lean in closer to me." Do i want Danny to kiss me ? hell yeah i was pretty nervous though. When his lips met mine it felt like something different then from when i kissed my other boyfriends i felt sparks fly when he kissed me. "

He groaned into the kiss pulling away a little to bit on his lip making him moan turning to me my hand reached down to his pants to feel his erected dick he was already hard making me bite my own lip. I pulled away from him to whisper into his ear " fuck me." He looked at me " are you sure? "

I nodded my head i wanted him so bad and there was nothing that was going to stop me from sleeping with him. He drove as fast as he could to his house. When he finally opened the door for me.

He pushed me against the wall and started to kiss my neck sucking and bitting on my skin. Making me left out a loud moan Danny ripped my shirt off making me bit my lip.

I was excited I have t been fucked for a long time I was so excited that my dick was standing straight up in my boxers. I took off Danny Shirt he picked me up and carried me to his bed it was a big white bed that could probably fit ten people all at once.

He started to grind against my hips both of us moaning at the same time as I could feel myself getting harder by the minute. I felt Danny start to kiss down my body he stopped at my nipples and gave them so attention licking and bitting at them.

Making me take in. Sharp breath as he did so he stopped then went down my body to the beginning of my jeans line. Making me sweat a little he looked up at me me staring back at him.

He bit his lips as he undid my pants still looking at me while he pulled them off. He kissed back up my body to my lips hungry was in the kiss I couldn't get enough of him. I'm always going to want him no matter how much he kissed me our touches me.

I'm never going to get us to it when he was kissing me I let my hands travel to his pants undoing his jeans. to he pulled away from the kiss to pull them off .

When he was done doing that he kissed me again he rolled so that I was on top of him. Pulling away "what are you doing? " I asked kid of nervous. " Denis I want you to dominate me" i swallowed hard I wasn't sure if I was ready to be top.

I was always bottom with all my ex boyfriends it was new. And it's always try to try new things right?

I nodded my head and smile "okay " i took off his boxers and he helped me take mine off too. We were both naked. This is the first time in a while since someone has seen me naked.

I blushed and hid my face into the pillows Danny looked at me and smiled "baby don't hide your face your body is beautiful. I pulled the pillow away and looked at him in the eyes "okay" I whisper.

I got one top of him lining myself at his entrance as I slowly pushed in into him make him hiss. As I slowly went into him. I started off slow since I know what's it's like.

He told me he hadn't been fucked for a long time to, so I had to go slow to make sure I don't hurt him. I started to pick up my pase.

Him and mine moans echoed through the room moans bouncing off the wall. I started to go faster " Denis please faster" a needed Danny said underneath me. Doing as I was told.

I went faster I was gripping onto his hips digging my nails deep into his skin. Making him moan louder then before. Fuck this was the best sex I've ever fucking had in a long ass time.

I could feel myself getting closer I could tell that Danny was too his moans got louder and my frequent. I grabbed onto his dick and started to stroke it in time with my thrust. Making him moan louder and louder each thrust.

Until he came all over my stomach not caring if it's to much for Danny's now sensitive body I continue to slam into his body as fast as I was before Danny came a few hard thrust and I was screaming his name when I come inside of him.

We both moaned as I pulled out of him he smiled at me before kissing me on the lips again. I kissed back before I could get more heated. He pulled away " I want you to meet my mates tomorrow."

I got on my elbow and started at Danny in the face "but we just started dating." I say not sure if it was the right time to meet his band members just yet. " baby I know your the one I've known this the moment I met you. "

I started to blush that's was really sweet of him to say, I nodded my head at him." Okay " I said he smiled before kissing me again Turing around and turn the lights off .

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