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Ben                               Smut
I started at the clock as it clicked away my life waiting for some kind of miracle. "Mr bruce" looking to see my teacher Mr Worsnop.

I had to Amit that I had a huge crush on my teacher he was hot and sexy but he was married. But that didn't stop me. I have my plains and I'm going to get them into motion.

"Yes sir ?" I batted my eyelashes to make it look like I'm pure and I do nothing wrong. "Pay attention this will be on the test tomorrow." I nodded my head thing is I'm not pure all I do is have sex with random people.

And I was going to get Mr Worsnop to sleep with me even if that is the last thing I do. The class drew on forever it felt like forever to be honest.

But the more I get to stare at my teacher is the best thing. I love my first period only because of him I'm 19 and he is 24 see the problem here? And plus he is a teacher.

And will probably never sleep with me, but I was going to try. When the bell rang I was getting my stuff together. When Mr Worsnop came to my desk " I think you need more help stay after school tomorrow and I will help you."

Deep down I was excited to stay after with him I was excited because know one will know about what I plan. So he can bend me over one of the desk and fuck the living shit out of me.

"Okay " I simply said giving him a big smile before walking out the door to my next class. When school was over I rushed home. To tell my parents I was going to stay with my teacher tomorrow.

I was excited he left the room for a while and came back from the teachers lounge. In his hands where a bag of chips and a water bottle. I wanted him now and I needed to get my plan in action but how.

I brought extra clothes with me to maybe turn on Mr Worsnop. I changed into my knee high socks and a mini skirt. And a see through white shirt I wore a thong under my underwear.

Putting my hug heals on and walking out of the bathroom stall. Checking the hall before walking out of the bathroom to Mr Worsnop"s room. When I got there I pretended to clear my throat to get his attention.

He dropped his marker at the sight of me making me smile a big smile " Mr Worsnop i'm ready to study. Walking to him slowly and sexy he looked me up and down like i was a meal he  pushed me against the wall looking me straight inn the eyes before i felt his lips against mine. Melting into his kiss.

He pulled away " this is wrong " your 19 i'm 24 its totally wrong, He walked away before he walked away I walked up to him kissing him again.

"Fuck me now" I demanded he swallowed hard before he slowly leaned in to kiss me. I melted into the kiss making me smile again.

"We have to make this fast"
I nodded my head and smiled at him nodding my head I wanted this for so long. He slowly took off his shirt throwing it somewhere in the room. "You know the door is unlocked" I whispered into his ear.

He stopped kissing me and walked to the door and locked it really fast. I really wanted him the next thing I know he took off all my clothes and bent me over one of the desk.

I could hear his pants hitting the floor I felt something big and hard pushing through my tight hole. Making me almost push him out at the sudden pain the shot up and down my body.

I forgot to tell him I haven't been fuck for a long time, it's been a couple of months. And he the last person I had sex with was a hookup. So this is going to hurt a lot the pain was mainly in my back.

But as he started to slowly move inside me it started to feel good. He started to moan making me moan to at the feeling of him inside of me. I wanted him to go faster but I was lost in all this pleasure that I couldn't say a word.

F-faster p-please I stuttered out the best I could but I don't think I could make anymore noise to get his attention. I loved him and I wish he knew that, I wanted him to fuck me faster then before.

I didn't know I was close until I felt his hand reach down between our bodies and start to stroke me. I moaned louder.

I wonder why one of the teachers hasn't come and checked on why the desk was scraping the floor. Or why there was screaming coming from this room maybe everyone is gone. Or they don't care hoping it was the
second one.

With one more last thrust I came onto his hand and a couple minutes later I felt something warm inside me telling me that I made him come. I was please that I made him come I wanted to do that for so long.

He pulled out but before he could put his pants back on I got on my knees and started to suck him. I wanted to pleasure him some more. Starting to go faster then I did before when I first started to suck him off.

He grabbed onto my hair and pushed and pulled where I needed to go. He was everything I ever wanted and he was finally mine. Well maybe I could tell that he was getting closer because he started to thrust his him into my mouth.

Making me choke every once in a while I felt him come into my mouth. Looking up and smiling swallowing all he pulled up his pants putting his shirt back on. Me doing the same when i was finished putting my clothes back on. He unlocked the door and opened it there was a knock at the door.

Rushing to my set to make it look like I'm studying for a test that we were going to take. When we saw Mr Liddell. "I heard screaming coming from this room is everything okay?" he looked at me and then at Mr Worsnop.

He just nodded his head and smiled "Mr Bruce saw a s spider and screamed" he said laughing I nodded my head and smiled agreeing with him so that we don't get into trouble. Mr Liddell looked at me a winked before walking out of the room.

Have I told you I also fucked Mr Liddell to ? I'm a slut for teachers they are so hot. But Mr Worsnop didn't have to know that. We waited until he was gone before he kissed me hard and sweet before it could turn into anything else he pulled away.

"We should continue this at my house....." he said letting it trail off. I nodded my head "I would love that" we ran through the hallway so know one could see us and we left in his car.

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