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Ben                                                                                Not sure i did a brustoff fanfic where one of them is                                                                                              pregnant but its to early and i need coffee !!!! 

It was around lunchtime Denis was sitting on the couch and i was on the shitter, When i heard the door open. "Ben baby"  i heard Denis from the door looking up from my phone to see my Husband naked and stroking himself making me get hard but pretending i didn't see anything,  "Yes baby" i say using my soft voice. "Make love to me please " i got off the shitter and grabbed onto Denis's arms.

 Tying Denis hand behind his back and pushing Denis down on the bed making him moan a sexy moan. Making my dick harder than it was i wanted to fuck him and that was what  i was going to do. Slowing entering Denis and starting to slam into him," fuck Benny right there" he screamed his ass up in the air i slapped in making him moan.  Again "fuck me like the whore i am" he moaned again. "shut up slut " i smacked him again and he let out the most pornographic moan i've ever heard. I started to slam inside of him "fuck Denis you're so fucking tight scream for me let the neighbors know who you belong to.  "

I slammed inside of him making him scream my name making the bed shake with each of my thrust. His screams started to get louder and louder, fuck Benny i'm close" i nodded my head trying to concentrate on how to make Denis come first because he is important to me. And he goes first, I started to stroke him in time with my thrust that where getting sloppier every thrust making Denis moan uneven making him sound even more hot. "fuck i'm i'm co- coming " He came all of the bed spread he collapsed he let me finish like the good submissive is. " Fuck"

Denis kissed me " i don't know what it is but every time we fuck the pleasure gets more intense well.. that's..... a.... good..... thing i say  in between kisses. " I love you" i smiled i " i love you more baby" that made him smile and then a shock look replaced his smile " Denis what wrong"  he ran to the bathroom and with his hand covering his mouth. When i heard puking coming from the bathroom. " Denis i'm coming in " Denis was hovered over the toilet. 

" No Ben don't come in here i don't want you to see me like this. " i Sighted but going against Denis wishes. I opened the door saw Denis looking rather pale and slightly green looking," Ben please get out i don't want you to see me like this. " i looked at him  " baby remember our vows for better or for worse." He nodded his head, "I know we just fucked but i'm sorry you have to see me this way we should still be making love but instead i'm over here sick! " 

Denis screamed, "No baby i love you know matter what. " He looked at me and smiled my favorite smile "come on let's get you something for that sickness. " Denis paused of a moment " what's up baby i know when you are hiding something. " He looked like he was about to be sick 
" Remember when you said that last month we could start trying for a kid? 

I looked at Denis i was trying to stay calm because i didn't want to get to excited and get my heart broken. We have been trying for a kid for a month now and if i got Denis  pregnant i would be on top of the world right now. " Okay what about it baby ? " he took a deep breath and smiled "well i'm.... Pregnant" my heart stopped those were  the three words i've been waiting to hear since i married Denis. "When did you find out you were pregnant Denis?" He looked down at his feet. " Yesterday i was scared to tell you" i kissed him to hush him up. " Denis you being pregnant is the best thing being pregnant! " 

He had this beautiful glow on him he was so beautiful and i wish he knew it, i was just so lucky to have a husband. My husband is carrying our child, It a miracle " I love you so much don't forget that baby, you are my everything. " He smiled and kissed me we went to lay down and kissed

*Next Day * 

We were going to the doctor and see if Denis wants to see what the baby is or wait it's up to him even though most of our sex life is gone. Because Denis doesn't want to be touched or whatever is going on with him but i'm patient and i'll wait for sex or so i thought.....  "Well Mr and Mr Bruce do you want to know the gender ? " Denis shoot his head no and i smiled i knew he wanted it to be a surprise. 

Later that night we really got into it " Well maybe you should have married the pretty waitress and we wouldn't be here! I would still be miserable with Dasha, And you would still be fucking cheating on Ciara behind her back and i wouldn't be carrying our baby!" at this point i was totally of i was way to pissed off. " you know what i don't want this bastard child you are carrying! I rather be living the single life then to be fucking your ass you were a mistake and so is this baby.! " 

That's when if fell silent.... I didn't care at the moment that i hurt Denis i didn't want Denis or the baby at the very minute,  " You know what go out get drunk you just ruined our marriage and i don't want you near my fucking baby!" 

 " Fucking fine you fag !" i grabbed my house keys and stormed out the door leaving Denis on the ground holding the baby i didn't want anymore.  When i went out i drove to the nearest  gas station, Not telling Denis i wasn't coming back anymore i left him and i had Divorce papers ready and i already signed them. I went to were the waitress worked her name was Daya and she was Mexican and fucking hot as hell, I took her to a hotel and fucked her a couple of days later i sent the divorce paper and married Daya. 


I was on the floor crying the day i heard that Ben married some waitress that we saw at a mexican bar. My ex girlfriend Dasha came over and helped me pick up the pieces " i'm so thankful to have someone like you in my life i am so grateful. " She smiled and kissed my check"  smiled "wanna watch a movie ?"  i saw her eyes lit up "Romeo and Juliet ? "  i smiled and nodded my head. 

I woke up in a pulled of wet water " Dasha wake up the baby is coming " i say she jolted up from the bed rubbing her eyes. " it's time for the baby here we come !" We rushed to the emergency room to give birth to my child. Where is the dad ! " the doctor screamed " Ben came rushing through the door. " why are you here you want nothing to do with the baby " i say " well i changed my mind i love you and she was cheating on me the whole time baby you are the only one i want to be with. " 

I kiss him softly "Alright Mr Stoff i need you to push has hard as you can" Denis grabbed my hand and screamed as he started to push. " I can see the head Mr Stoff push one more time and she will be here." I kissed Ben one last time and pushed as hard as i could when we heard crying " she is here " the doctor scream i started to cry looking up to see Ben crying to " what are you going to call her?" Ben and i looked at each other

 " Charlotte" 

Sorry for the long wait i've been sooooooooooooooooo busy but To Be Honest i was crying a little because i'm a fucking softy *eye roll *   

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