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I wake up to see Ben and our Daughter Melanie she was about to turn three years old this week and we were both excited and happy the doctors told us she only had a week to live. And that we would be lucky if she even lived that long. But or baby defeated death i smiled and looked at Ben who was sleeping so peacefully.  I wanted talk to Ben about trying for another kid but  i was not sure about what he would say. 

I carefully got up and started to look for clothes to wear for the day when i heard Ben  " Good Morning beautiful"  i smile as i turn around and look at my beautiful Husband of five years. He was the only one for me. And i was the only one for him as or that's what he tells me i don't think  he is cheating but i feel like he can do better than me. 

Way  better than me,  i don't know why i'm like that maybe i got it from my mom i got back in bed and started to kiss Ben he kissed back it started to get more heated i pulled away. "Not in front of the baby" i giggled Ben just shook his head and laughed at me. I swear when i'm with him it's like magic something i can't explain but with him it's perfect. 

We got out of bed and walked down stairs me holding Melanie putting her in her highchair while  Ben put Cheerios on the Highchair to keep her busy while he made us food. When Ben started to make Breakfast i wrapped my arms around his waist.  "Ben baby i need to talk to you about something." He smiled and turned around so that he was facing me, "What's that baby ?" 

I smiled and looked up at my husband "Well i was thinking that maybe we could make love and try for another kid." Ben looked at me and smiled before nodding his head yes lets start trying tonight we can have Sam watch over Mel so that we can try. " We haven't had sex in a few weeks and i would give anything  for Ben to fuck me i was ready to be  fucked by Ben. 

*Later on*

We dropped Melanie at her uncle Sam's and Uncle Cameron's house so that Ben could fuck me again since it's been so long. I just wanted to feel Ben cum inside of me and fuck the shit out of me. When we drove back to the house Ben heavy flirted with me and couldn't keep his hand off my thigh he kept rubbing it up and down my leg. Fuck i can't wait for him he was just to damn tempting. When we got home we wasted no time. 

Ben had me pinned against the wall with my hands up above my head while he hungrily kissed my neck making me a moaning mess making Ben pants grow even more tighter. He started to grind his hips against mine making me want him to fuck me even more.  "Ben please stop with the teasing i need you fuck me already"  He did as he was asked and carried me to the bedroom. He pushed me down onto the  bed and started to kiss my neck again starting to suck on it. 

Making me roll my hips against Ben's he was so fucking hard and it made me happy that i still had that effect on him. He pulled my shirt over and above my head kissing down my body to the beginning of my pants taking them off along with my boxers. Rolling so that i was on top of him taking off his boxers. His clothes where in the living room i sat in his lap grabbing onto his erection and sliding down onto him making him moan. 

He grabbed onto my hips and started to guide me where to hit to make it more pleasurable for the both of us. I started to kiss Ben when i started to go faster, moaning into the kiss pulling away when i felt him hit something inside me that felt so fucking good "Ben right there right there i scream trying to find that spot again. He smiled and moaned making me smile and moan  louder i was close and i know that he was too. 

" Ben fuck i'm close i need to fucking cum please let me cum" he smiled at me " are you going to be a good boy"  i nodded my head he reached down and started to stroke me in time with my thrust. When one last thrust sent me over the edge coming all over Ben's stomach Ben looked at me and smiled before he went faster making me moan louder. As he continued to thrust into my sensitive body. Making me moan and throw my head back a couple more thrust Ben came screaming my name and several cuss words. 

He pulled out laying me down on the bed creasing my face while looking into his eyes this is the most magical moment ever i have never felt so in love with someone then i do now he leaned in to kiss me and we ended up having sex again. I wake up the next day smiling to see my Benny laying in bed with me still naked from last night. 

*Later that week*

"Ben baby i'm pregnant! " Ben swung me around and kissed me all over my face, "We're having a baby." When it was time to tell the mates they where all happy for us even Danny and he was trying for a baby to with Victoria. We were all happy, Me and Ben went to the baby store to get stuff for the new born that was going to be here in two months and we were just as happy to have this baby. As our first born . 

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