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It was the middle of the holidays and it was almost thanksgiving me and the mates always have Christmas together at Denis ans Ben's house they always decorated really nice and it look beautiful. We were getting ready to leave to for Denis and Ben's house but Cameron was talking forever in the bathroom. Walking to the bathroom knocking on the door " Baby are you okay?"

"Yeah just pooping if that's okay he said in a snappy mood hearing the toilet flush and Cameron coming out. Kissing him softly and sweet at first but it getting more heated by the minute " baby we have to go to Denis and Ben's house maybe later. " i groaned walking to the door and closing it behind me Cameron following behind me. Getting into the car in the driving side Cameron walking into the car and going the other side of the car.

Driving to the people i love the most hopefully i could gets some tips before they decided to disappear somewhere. And fuck each other i was jealous because Denis was pregnant and was one month pregnant with Ben's baby. I wanted to be pregnant with Cameron's baby but he never wants to fuck me what so ever. No matter how much i tried to put sex clothes on and shit it didn't work.

But maybe asking Denis would help me understand how to get Cameron to sleep with me maybe it might be hard but it will be worth it. We arrived at the house it looked beautiful outside they had the best decorations out in their whole neighborhood it was so perfect i just wish i was in a good mood like Cameron is in right now. That would be wonderful but that wont happen because he won't fuck me.

We walked into the house Denis smiled opening the door for us it smelt so good in the house i hugged Denis " can i talk to you for a second ? " He had a worried look on his face but agreed to talk to me. " Whats wrong who do i have to beat up i don't care if i'm pregnant i will beat someone up for you and the mates and Ben of course but Ben can fight for himself . But you know what i mean" I laughed yes i know what you mean.

"Well what i want to know is how do you get Ben to you know..... " It was silent for a moment " you mean how do i get Ben to fuck me ? " Denis said with a smile. Well its easy i put on something sexy and suck his dick and he fucks me." i smile i nodded my head so this should be easy." i nervous laugh " its okay he loves you he really does" he smiles and hugs me " okay lets go and see if Cameron will fuck you but you have to fuck in the guest room. "

I nodded my head Denis dragged me out of the hallway back to where the party was he let go of my hand and walked towards Ben. He turned around and smiled at me nodding his head telling me to go to Cameron. I walked to Cameron grabbing his hand and walking off with him. He looked confused but smiled. Kissing him as soon as we walked into the room. Pushing Cameron down on the bed.

" What are you doing we can't remember the last time we tried and had sex at Denis and Ben's house ? " thinking about it for a minuet " Denis said he didn't care so fuck me and stop making excuses not to fuck me. " I kissed him and for the first time in a long time Cameron kissed me back . "Fuck it i don't care anymore i want you and were going to have sex " Cameron said breathlessly. I wanted this for so long i took off his shirt and he took mine off too, soon we were both naked with Cameron on top of me slowly entering me making me moan silently.

He just made me feel so good he stopped moving nodding my head when i was use to him inside of me. Making me moan a deep loud moan " Shh baby the mates are going to hear you' he had a big smile on his face as he started to go faster making me bite my lip trying to hold back any moans that started to get louder making Cameron moan too.

"Fuck Sam you make me feel so good... " Cameron moaned again making me smile at the thought of Cameron pleasured by me. "Fuck me like i'm you bitch." i whisper into Cameron's ear and he did as i asked him to do. He moved faster make me moan louder this is the best sex we have ever had. I was almost there and it was exciting i was going to have my first climax in a long time.

I Wanted this so bad trying to tell Cameron that i was close but i couldn't tell him that i was close a quite "Cameron" came out of my mouth but Cameron seemed to understand what i wanted and started to stroke me in time with his thrust. I drug my nails deep into his back cumming all over the bed and Cameron. He smiled and came a second later this was the best thanksgiving ever. " This was the best" Cameron nodded trying to catch his breath kissing down my body to my cum that was on my body licking it off of me.

He got up and got dressed doing the same Cameron walking out the door first and then 10 minuets later me walking out the door. Like nothing happened smiling and looking up to see Ben and Denis smiling at me with a big smile on his face this was for sure the best thanksgiving iv'e ever had.

I know this chapter is boring i tired to make it as good as possible happy thanksgiving everyone eat your hearts out. which i'm going to do and maybe get drunk hopefully thank you for reading this story it means the world to me. and my friend these are her stories but she can't write for shit so i'm writing them

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