2. French Dinner

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Tyler is in the middle of making a frappucino when Josh walks through the glass doors. He doesn't realize, he's too concentrated on making the coffee. Josh walks up to the counter and clears his throat.

Tyler glances over, not expecting him to be standing right there. He nearly drops the plastic cup.

"Tyler?" Josh grins, eyeing the cup in his hands. His voice is different than Tyler imagined, and he's shorter too. He's probably no taller than Tyler.

"Yeah, um, I'm almost done here. Just a second." He glances at the clock and sees it's already quarter after four. When did that happen?

Quickly, he finishes the frappucino and hands it to the girl who was waiting off to the side. She thanks him and goes to sit by herself. Tyler clocks out before walking with Josh to his car. It's some fancy sports car, Tyler can never really keep different brands straight.

No words are exchanged between them as they buckle up. Tyler feels awkward. He's sweating nervously, wiping his clammy hands against his work pants.

"I live on Garden Avenue. It's the first yellow apartment on the right," Tyler says, hoping to break the awkwardness.

Josh nods in response, focused on the road ahead. Maybe he's just a quiet person, or maybe he feels just as strange as Tyler does.

"You smell good," He speaks up.

"I do?" Tyler scoffs, he was sure he smelled like sweat.

"Yeah, like coffee beans and vanilla."

"That's what happens when you work at a coffee place." Tyler doesn't mean for it to sound sarcastic, but it comes out that way. Josh meets his eyes for a split second, then looks back to the road.

"Are you giving me attitude already?"

"I didn't mean to, sorry."

Josh chuckles, shaking his head softly. "It's alright. I take it you're just as nervous as I am?"

"Why are you nervous?" Tyler wants to laugh. How could Josh be nervous? He's nobody special himself, but Josh is certainly intimidating.

"I want this to work just as much as you do."

Tyler never thought about that. Josh is actually interested in him, otherwise they wouldn't be getting ready to go to dinner. It feels weird, but a good weird.


Josh pulls in Tyler's empty driveway. He doesn't own a car, he ubers everywhere. Tyler really hopes Josh doesn't want to come inside, but he'd rather that than have him stay out here for Brendon to meet.

"Want to come in?"

Josh nods and they get out. Tyler brings him inside and tells him to make himself at home while he gets ready.

"Should I dress nice?" He asks, noticing Josh's suit and tie.

"Yeah, do you have anything?"

Tyler nods, a lump forming in his throat. How does he tell Josh that he likes wearing girls' clothes? What if Josh thinks it's weird and decides he doesn't like Tyler anymore? He physically can't get the words out, so he decides not to warn him.

Josh takes a seat at the table, which is good because it's much cleaner than the couch. Tyler says he'll be right back before leaving Josh alone. He hopelessly searches through his closest, desperate to find something nice. Most of his clothes consisted of joggers and t-shirts, did he actually own anything nice?

Thankfully, Tyler found a baby pink tennis skirt. Is that too girly? Oh well, it's all or nothing.

He pairs it with a white t-shirt, not knowing much about fashion. He wears the same outfit for days at a time, for God's sake. He slides on black vans, wishing he had a mirror to look at himself in. But he doesn't, so he anxiously goes to get Josh's reaction.

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