13. The Truth Comes Out

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Sundays are usually the worst day of the week.

Today isn't any different, considering Tyler has woken up with a headache and a sore stomach. He's hungry, dehydrated, and miserable.

"Josh," he whines, tapping the sleeping man's cheek. "My head hurts."

Josh groans, swatting Tyler's hand away. "There's pain killers on the table. Let me sleep."

Slowly, the brunette rolls onto his other side and reaches for the table. He downs the pills, chugging the rest of the water and wiping his mouth when he's finished.

Tyler sets the glass back down, turning back to Josh with a pout. "I'm not tired, get up."

"Leave me alone," the older mumbles, using Tyler's pillow to cover his ears.


The brunette slides out of bed, squeaking as cold air hits his skin and gives him goosebumps. With a small smirk, he rips the blanket off Josh and wraps it around himself.

"God dammit," Josh mutters, bringing his knees into his chest. "Give me that back. Or turn the A.C. off."

"Nope," Tyler grins, walking into the closet and bringing the blanket with him.

He picks a simple outfit, a white hoodie and black leggings, considering he doesn't plan on going anywhere and it's freezing inside. After slipping on mismatch socks, Tyler re-enters the bedroom.

Josh is laying the same way he left him, shivering despite having fallen asleep again. The brunette feels bad so he gently lays the blanket on top of Josh, tucking him in and kissing the top of his head.

There's a knock on the bedroom door.

Instead of telling Debby to come in, Tyler opens the door quietly so he won't wake Josh. "What's up?"

"Somebody is here for Mr. Dun," she whispers, looking between the two with worry.

The brunette frowns, looking over his shoulder at the sleeping man. "I'll go talk to them."

"I don't know if that's a good-"

"It'll be fine," Tyler chuckles, shutting the door behind him before Debby can protest.

"Okay... I'll be in the kitchen preparing breakfast if you need anything," Debby says, chewing on her lip, then scurries off.

That was kind of weird.

Tyler takes his time walking down the two flights of stairs, careful to not let himself slip on the shiny wooden steps. There's a dull pounding behind his eyes, but it's more aggravating than painful.

As the brunette comes to a stop at the bottom of the staircase, he blinks a few times.

Ashley? That girl from the party? Wearing a skimpy little see-through dress?

"What are you doing in my house?" Tyler scoffs, arms crossing over his chest. Josh isn't around so he plans to be as rude as possible.

Ashley's narrowed eyes scan over his body, following suit and crossing her arms. "Where's Josh?"

"He's asleep in our bed. I fucked him real good last night," Tyler grins, biting his tongue to keep from laughing.

The blonde rolls her eyes, taking a few steps towards Tyler as her ridiculously long heels click annoyingly.

"I want to see him."

"What for?" Tyler challenges, raising an eyebrow.

Ashley hesitates, not breaking her stare. "He asked me to come over. I didn't know you'd be here."

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