14. Early Morning Convos

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It's currently nearing one in the morning.

Josh has work in five hours and he has yet to come to bed.

With a sigh, Tyler flings the duvet off himself. He rubs at his eyes, toeing on a pair of slippers before starting down the hallway.

After knocking three times and getting no answer, he groans. "Josh?"


"Can I come in?"

"Oh, sure."

The door creaks as Tyler enters, gently shutting it behind him before finally turning around to meet Josh.

"Why are you still up? It's late, well, early."

"It's nothing, Ty. Just work stuff. Go back to bed, I'll be there soon," Josh says. He has his elbows propped up on the desk, head resting in his hands, fingers gripping his hair.

"You said that two hours ago," the brunette says, sitting at the chair in front of the desk. "Is something wrong?"

"No, no, nothing is wrong. I'm just trying to work something out."

"Oh," Tyler hums. "Well, maybe I can help."

Josh picks his head up, raising his eyebrows at the younger. "You can't."

"And why not?" He challenges, arms folded over his chest.

"Because," Josh hesitates, glancing at the computer screen. "It's... Kind of a surprise."

"What?" Tyler seems to perk up, dropping his arms to grip the chair's armrests. "What do you mean?"

"I can't tell you," Josh chuckles, typing frantically before abruptly standing, making the younger jump. "Come on, let's go to bed."

Tyler complies, his fingers lacing with the man's as they stumble through the dark hallway back to the bedroom. He slides his slippers off at the foot of the bed, then joins Josh.

They snuggle beneath the duvet, the coolness of the room settling around them. Tyler's head rests on his chest, their legs knotted together.

"Josh?" He whispers.


"Do I... This is kind of dumb and a weird time to ask but do I still have to call you sir?" The brunette asks, lifting his head to meet Josh's eyes.

"Is there a reason why you're asking?"

"Well, I just, I don't know. I want to call you Josh. You don't feel like a sir to me anymore, you feel like a Josh. Like a my Josh."

He can see the outline of the man's smile even in the dark.

"Call me Josh, then. I don't mind. I agree with you, actually. And being called sir makes me feel old."

"You are old," Tyler giggles quietly, his head coming to rest on Josh's chest once more.

"I'm not old," he argues, arms tightening around the smaller boy's frame. "I'm just... More... Lived."

"You're more lived? That doesn't even make sense," Tyler says, a grin consuming half his face.

"It makes perfect sense."

"Go to sleep."

"I'm not tired."

"Josh!" The brunette chuckles. "You have to work tomorrow."

"Yeah, I know... Fuck, I'm going to be so tired."

"So go to sleep!"


The man grabs Tyler's thigh and raises it so it's resting over his hips. With his other hand, his fingertips trail across the boy's freckled shoulder. Tyler whines, nuzzling impossibly closer.

"Stop trying to turn me on. It won't work, I'm too tired."

"You wanna test that theory?"


"Sorry, sorry," he says as they laugh in unison. Then, he pauses for a moment. "You're coming with me to work."

"What!?" Tyler gapes, looking at the man with wide eyes. "Why? I'm going to be so tired!"

"Because I want you to and because you might learn about your surprise if you come with me."

"Fine," the brunette huffs. "But only because I want my surprise."

"Oh, you'll get plenty of surprises tomorrow."

"Ew!" Tyler groans, but joins in the laughter. "Seriously, go to sleep."

"You too."

"I'm trying but you keep talking."

"So do you," Josh counters. He yawns and kisses the top of Tyler's head. "Fine. Goodnight."


"I love you."

Warmth spreads throughout the brunette's entire body, from his fingertips to his toes.

It's moments like these that he lives for.

Quiet, playful banter at one in the morning with the man he loves. Limbs tangled together as if he's in the middle of the ocean and Josh is his buoy keeping him afloat at all times. Heart, mind, and soul harmonized with each other's, a cordless lifeline connecting the two no matter how far apart they may get.

Tyler smiles, eyes fluttering shut.

He whispers, "I love you too."


This filler was so short yikes sorry

But it was all soft and cute so hopefully that makes up for it

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