16. Surprise, This Contains Sex!

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By the time Josh is home from work, Jenna and Tyler both have two suitcases packed full.

"I tan really well, I bet I'll get more tan than you," Tyler says, his tone cocky.

"Oh, really? Are you challenging me right now?" Jenna scoffs. "I've never had a sun burn in my life."

"Neither have-"

Josh clears his throat, gaining the two's attention. They turn to him with smiles, Tyler leaping up and capturing the man in a hug.

"We're all packed, Josh. Oh, and Debby is waiting for you to call her so she knows what she's supposed to do for the next two weeks."

"Alright," the man says, running a hand through his faded pink hair. "Are you staying the night in your guest room, Jenna?"

"Yeah, I think that's the best idea so I won't sleep in and miss the plane," she chuckles, standing. "I'll leave you two alone."

Jenna leaves with a wink, making the brunette giggle. "Do you need help packing?"

"I don't care about packing. What I need is your lips wrapped around my cock. Now."

"Oh," Tyler murmurs, blinking a few times. His cheeks turn bright red as Josh grabs him by the throat and presses their lips together.

Next thing Tyler knows, he's up against the door. It clicks as Josh locks it with his free hand, the other holding the boy in place. The kiss grows heated quickly, lust and want exchanging in hot breaths between the two.

Tyler's hand lowers, gripping the outline of Josh's hardened cock through his dress pants, making the man groan.

"Fuck, baby," Josh growls, rolling his hips against Tyler's hand. "That's right."

"You like that?" Tyler mumbles, rubbing his own thighs together to try and relieve the pressure built up beneath his skirt.

"I'd like it more if you were naked," the older smirks, hands dipping beneath the hem of Tyler's skirt, fingertips brushing against his inner thigh.

Tyler captures his lip between his teeth, releasing Josh's cock in order to pull his shirt off, followed by his skirt. He goes to take his panties off, but Josh stops him.

"Wait, leave them. You look gorgeous in those," he gushes, eyeing the lacy, black garment.

"Okay," Tyler blushes, following Josh as he's led to the bed.

He follows the directions Josh gives him, sitting on his thighs with his hands behind his back. The man carefully links his wrists together with a pair of fuzzy, black handcuffs.

"Too tight?"




"Good boy," Josh hums, taking his sweet old time in removing his tie while Tyler sits, unable to do anything except watch.

Slowly, Josh unbuttons his dress shirt, leaving the blue garment hanging open to expose his toned chest. His pants drop next. Tyler eyes the bulge in his Calvin Kleins hungrily, mouth practically watering.

"Tell me what you want, baby," Josh says gently, standing next to the edge of the bed so his clothed cock is eye-level.

"I want your cock down my throat and I want to taste you."

"What do you say?"

"Please," Tyler whines, licking his lips.

"Please what?"

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