7. Lust and Love

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(Smut warning for this chapter. I'm only going to say this once because this entire book is going to be filled with smut. If you don't like that, I suggest not reading.)

Josh takes Tyler by the hand and leads him straight for the bedroom, telling Debby not to disturb them. She nods respectfully, giving Tyler a knowing wink. He blushes and drops his gaze to the ground, having to jog to keep up with Josh's pace.

Before he can process everything, Tyler's being pushed into the bedroom and Josh is locking the door behind them. The brunette is roughly pushed against the wall, the sudden force taking him by surprise. He doesn't mind, if anything, it only makes him want Josh more.

He opens his mouth to beg, but is cut off by Josh's tongue. Their kiss is sloppy and spit is everywhere, but Tyler thinks it's so fucking hot. Josh doesn't waste any time in removing his shorts, leaving the younger in his briefs. Tyler had no idea this would be happening right now, otherwise he would've worn a new pair of panties he bought.

Josh's teeth nip at Tyler's collarbone, sucking on the flesh there. His hand dips in Tyler's underwear unexpectedly. The brunette gasps, his fingers tangling themselves in Josh's hair.

They kiss again, Josh swallowing his moans as he starts to jerk him off. It feels amazing, Tyler's head is spinning so fast he can hardly catch his breath. His shirt comes off next, leaving him feeling naked compared to Josh.

He tugs at Josh's tie, the latter giving him a look that gives him goosebumps. Next thing Tyler knows, he's being placed on the bed and Josh is undressing himself down to his boxers.

"Do you know what you're into, Tyler?"

"No, not exactly," He admits, scooting up farther on the bed to prop his head up on a pillow.

"Let's start out slow then, yeah? Let me know if I do something you don't like. And if I hurt you, what's your safeword?"

"Umm," Tyler hesitates. "Just red, I guess."

"That works," Josh nods, taking his tie and wrapping it around Tyler's mouth as a gag. The latter looks at him with raised eyebrows, but can't deny that he's never felt this turned on before.

"Is that okay? You can breathe?"

Tyler nods eagerly, lifting his hips off the bed as a desperate call for attention. Josh's eyes roam over his body for a moment before he makes Tyler stand in front of him.

"Turn around," he orders. Tyler does such, slightly holding his arms out as he feels Josh's fingers brush down his sides. The action makes his hairs stand on end.

Josh's fingers hook around his underwear and pull them off slowly, Tyler's face growing hot. He's standing naked in front of the most beautiful man ever, of course he's going to feel insecure.

"God, look at you," Josh whispers, squeezing Tyler's ass between his fingers. "You're beautiful, baby. So beautiful."

Tyler lets his eyes fall shut, ridding himself of any distractions so he can focus on Josh's voice. He feels good, amazing actually. Only Josh could do that to him in a matter of a few words.

"I can't believe this is all mine. How lucky am I, huh?" Josh chuckles, placing kisses down the curve of Tyler's lower back. Meanwhile, Tyler is throbbing and desperately needs to be touched. He wants to take matters into his own hands, but is sure Josh won't like that.

Josh spins Tyler around to face him, lips curled into a smirk. He grazes his fingers down Tyler's stomach, over his hips, and down his thighs. The younger is whining, pathetically moving his hips to try and get Josh to touch him.

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