5. Five a.m.

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Josh's phone blares classical music, the alarm scaring Tyler out of his dream. Which may or may not have been about Josh...

"What time is it?" He groans, Josh silencing the music.

"Five in the morning."

"What!?" Tyler gasps, sitting straight up. Josh is already out of bed. "Why are we awake at five in the morning?"

"Because it takes me a while to get ready, and I like to have free time," Josh explains, flicking the light on. The sudden brightness burns Tyler's eyes, he winces and covers his face with the blanket.

"Why do you need free time at five in the morning?"

"Because I do, is that a problem?" Josh tests, pulling the blanket off his head. He's leaning in close, forehead wrinkled due to his raised eyebrows.

"Nope, not a problem," Tyler says, deciding not to argue.

"Good. I'd ask you to join me in the shower, but I suppose you'll say no."

"Yeah, no," He agrees, watching Josh walk towards the door of the en suite bathroom. He's wearing a tank top and basketball shorts; it's hotter than Tyler wants to admit.

"I'll be out soon. You can go downstairs and start on the coffee, if you want. Debby should be here if you need help with anything."

Tyler nods, leaving Josh alone to shower. He walks down the staircase slowly, feeling like a princess. It's hard not to in such a luxurious home.

A girl with dirty blonde, almost brown hair is standing at the oven, her back to Tyler. He's not sure what she's cooking, but whatever it is smells delicious. He clears his throat to get her attention.

She turns around, smiling upon seeing him. "Hi, I'm Debby! You must be Tyler."

The brunette nods, cheeks growing warm at the mention of his name. He wonders how much Josh talked about him with her, wonders what was said about him. "Yeah, that's me."

"I'm guessing you came down here to start the coffee, yeah?"

Tyler nods, not bothering to ask how she knew. Josh must've told her.

"Coffee pot is there," she says, pointing at the machine. "Coffee beans are there, sugar is here, creamer is over there," she lists, pointing at various cupboards. Tyler tries to follow along, but she's talking very quickly.

"Okay," he smiles nervously. "Thanks."

She nods and goes back to cooking, leaving Tyler to figure out what the hell she just said. He grabs the first bag of coffee beans he finds, managing to have two cups of coffee made by the time Josh is out of the shower.

Josh greets him with a kiss on the forehead, wet hair dripping onto Tyler. The latter doesn't mind, he's too busy gawking at the man before him. Josh is dressed in only a white t-shirt and a pair of Calvin Klein boxers.

"Why.. Um, why don't you have any clothes on?" Tyler manages to ask as they enter the dining room with their coffee.

"So I don't spill any food on them," Josh grins, sitting at the head of the table. Tyler sits next to him.


Debby brings in two plates of food, setting them in front of the men. Josh thanks her, then she leaves to go do whatever it is maids do.

Tyler scoffs down his food, not realizing how hungry he was. Josh watches him with interest, a small smile tugging at his lips.

"What?" Tyler asks through a mouthful of food.

Sugar Daddy //joshler [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now