12. There Was A Spider

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Tyler shifts anxiously, phone clutched between his hands as he texts Brendon. He's going to arrive any minute how and Tyler can't help but worry what kind of trick Josh has planned. All day, every few hours or so, Josh would randomly start the vibrator and wouldn't stop until Tyler came. It's kind of like torture, but in a weird way, Tyler likes it.

He's only just now worrying, realizing Josh probably thinks it will be a great idea to turn it on in the middle of dinner. Tyler can only pray he won't, that he'll be nice since Tyler was a good boy.

There's a knock at the door. Tyler's feet shuffle against the floor, letting Brendon inside.

"Holy shit, this place is huge," Brendon gawks, eyes darting around.

"Nice to see you too," Tyler laughs, grabbing the man's wrist. "Dinner is almost ready."

They enter the dining room together, the unnecessarily long table already set by Debby. Josh sits at the head of the table, of course, looking up from his phone when the two enter.

"Brendon," he smiles, standing to shake his hand. "Nice to see you again, have a seat."

Brendon smiles in return, sitting across from Tyler. The latter shifts uncomfortably, feeling himself tighten around the plug as he sits. Debby pokes her head in the doorway.

"Care for a drink?"

"Dr. Pepper, please," Tyler speaks first.

"Water," Josh responds, and Brendon hesitates before saying he wants water too.

"Good choice," Tyler smiles. "How've you been?"

"I honestly feel like shit," Brendon sighs, folding and unfolding his napkin. "My head hurts, I can't stop sweating, and I feel really scared like something bad is going to happen."

"That's common," Josh murmurs, thanking Debby as she brings out their drinks. She also sets little bowls of salad in front of the three of them, then returns to the kitchen. "Withdrawal symptoms shouldn't last for too long, maybe a little over a week."

Tyler eats his salad quietly, remembering how Jenna said he had a problem with alcohol in the past. Is that how he knows this? Is that why he was proud of Tyler for wanting to help and why he seems so concerned for Brendon?

"It fucking sucks," Brendon mutters, eyeing his salad distastefully. "I'm honestly not even hungry. I just had to come over so I wouldn't do something stupid."

"You still have to eat," Josh sighs. "And drink lots of water. You're going to feel really dehydrated."

"I'll throw up if I eat," Brendon argues, while Tyler continues to stuff his face like a hungry horse.

"Possibly, but you can't not eat. That will make it worse, trust me."

Brendon gazes at him for a few moments before lifting his fork and taking a small bite. Tyler smiles, waiting to talk until he swallows his food.

"If you do start feeling sick, the bathroom is down the hall, first door on the right," he says.

"Don't hesitate to make a run for it," Josh chuckles, trying to make light of the situation. "We understand."

"Thanks," Brendon mumbles, slowly picking at his salad. He's eaten about half when Debby comes out, setting a bowl full of chicken alfredo pasta before them.

"Thank you, Debby. You may go home now," Josh says politely, while Tyler is the first to load his plate with pasta.

"Are you sure, sir? I can stay and clean up when you're done."

"No, it's alright. Tyler and I can handle dish duty tonight."

Tyler groans, like a child, exposing his mouth full of food. "I hate dishes," he whines, not noticing the way Josh is eyeing him up and down.

"Don't mind him," Josh tells Debby. "Take the rest of the night off. And Tyler, you know it's rude to talk with a mouth-full."

Tyler rolls his eyes, shoveling more food in his mouth so he can't talk back. Either Josh doesn't notice, or he does and doesn't say anything. Debby leaves, Brendon scoops a tiny bit of pasta on his plate, face totally drained of all color.

"I think I'm going to be sick," he mumbles, chair scraping against the floor as he rises and races for the bathroom.

"Tyler," Josh says lowly, twirling pasta around his fork.

"Yeah?" The brunette responds innocently, batting his big ol' eyelashes.

"Do not roll your eyes at me," the older mutters, jaw clenching. Tyler captures his lip between his teeth, rolling it back and forth as he has a mental debate with himself.

Now that he's pissed Josh off, he's going go have to pay for it. But maybe if he tries to make it up to him, he'll get off the hook. The latter sounds like a better choice, Tyler chewing on his lip as he reaches under the table and runs his hand along Josh's thigh.

"What are you doing?" Josh nearly chokes on his food, pushing Tyler's hand away. But he doesn't give up so easily, grabbing the soft outline of Josh's cock. The man inhales sharply, eyes dropping beneath the table to watch the exchange. "Tyler... Brendon could come back out any second and I am not going to have him see me like this."

"Like what?" Tyler grins, palming Josh's cock through his jeans.

"I'm back!" Brendon suddenly calls out, Tyler jumping and pulling his hand away. Josh doesn't take his eyes off Tyler, not even when Brendon sits down and begins talking. "I miss anything good?"

"Nope," Josh smiles, burning a hole into Tyler. The brunette goes to respond, but as he opens his mouth all he can manage is a squeak, feeling the buttplug start vibrating.

Goddamn that man.

"Tyler? You okay?" Brendon frowns, while Josh grins.

"Yeah, I just, uh.. I-I remembered something," Tyler stutters, clutching the edge of the table as he wiggles in his chair.

"What'd you remember, honey?" Josh has the biggest grin on his face, as if he's so fucking funny. Tyler narrows his eyes.

"That I-I had to use to bathroom! I'll be right back," he says quickly, going to stand but stops abruptly when Josh grabs his wrist. Tyler receives a warning look, basically saying don't you dare take it out.

He rolls his eyes, then gasps when he realizes he did it again. Josh turns the vibrator up a notch, making Tyler's toes curl. When Josh finally let's go, he wobbles away, desperately trying to keep his movements to a minimum so he won't cum in his underwear.

Tyler locks himself in the bathroom, knowing Brendon is probably out there confused as hell and Josh is making up some excuse. He stands with his back against the door, hand dipped beneath his panties as he works himself quickly.

It's not even moments later when Tyler cums in his hand, back arching and mouth slack. Although he already came, the vibrating continues. His knees grow weak, eyes rolling far back in his head.

"J-Josh!" He gasps, maybe a little too pornographically, but he can't control it. "Come here!"

Footsteps approach the door, then a soft knock. Tyler opens the door a crack, eyes wet with tears and thighs clenched together. "Make it stop!"

Josh eyes him up and down, chuckling to himself. "Did you cum?"

"Yes!" Tyler groans, digging his nails into the wooden door. "Make it stop!"

Thankfully, Josh complies and Tyler sighs in relief. He turns to the sink, washing his hands before following Josh into the dining room. Brendon is watching both of them in confusion. Tyler sits down, cheeks glowing bright red.

"Sorry about that," Josh says, lips curled into the faintest of smiles. "There was a spider."

"Ohhh," Brendon nods, sipping his water. "Gotcha."

"It's all better now though, right Tyler?"

"Right," Tyler smiles weakly, head spinning as he's still coming down from his high. "All better."

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