8. Morning Errands

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"Wake up sleepy head," Josh whispers, planting tiny kisses across Tyler's face. The brunette groans and rolls over, burying his face in the pillow.

"Please, it's too early. Let me sleep," he whines, gasping when Josh attacks his sides and begins tickling him. "Stop! Stop!"

Josh pulls away with a laugh, pulling Tyler to sit in his lap. The younger yawns, nuzzling impossibly closer. Josh is so comfy, so cozy, he could fall back asleep just like this... Until suddenly, Josh is tickling him again.

"Stop!" Tyler laughs, writhing in his arms. "I'll get up! Promise!"

Josh must not believe him; he carries the boy inside the bathroom and sets him on top of the sink. He presses their lips together in a rough kiss that catches Tyler completely off guard. He's so tired he can barely respond, meanwhile his downstairs his wide awake.

Josh's hand rests over his crotch, squeezing the outline of his dick though the lacy shorts he's wearing. The brunette moans against his mouth, hands being tangled in faded pink hair. Out of nowhere, Josh pulls away and gives him an innocent smile.

"I'll leave you to shower, then. Come downstairs when you're ready, Debby is just now starting breakfast."

"But, sir..." Tyler whines, placing Josh's hand over the hard outline of his cock and rolling his hips against it.

Josh inhales sharply, giving Tyler's cock a soft squeeze before pulling away again. "Not right now."

"You're an asshole," Tyler mutters, about to hop off the sink but Josh stops him. He gives the younger a hard stare, only worsening the problem in Tyler's shorts.

"What was that?"

"I'm sorry, sir. I'll take a shower and be down soon," Tyler says quietly, brushing his fingers over his cock and nearly moaning because he's so sensitive at the moment.

"That's what I thought," Josh mutters, kissing his forehead. "Be a good boy and don't take forever, okay?"

"Okay," Tyler smiles, his stomach soaring with butterflies at the words be a good boy.

"And I want you to think about me when you touch yourself in there," Josh says in a low voice, licking his lips in a way that drives Tyler crazy.

"Yes, sir," he responds softly, eyeing the very noticeable bulge in Josh's pants.

"Good boy."


Tyler skips downstairs happily, eager to show Josh how great he looks in his new outfit.

He greets the man in the dining room with a kiss, twirling around so Josh can really take in his appearance

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He greets the man in the dining room with a kiss, twirling around so Josh can really take in his appearance.

"Wow, you look beautiful," Josh gushes, placing a soft kiss to the back of his hand and making his cheeks turn pink.

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