4. Jenna and the First Kiss

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Jenna arrives at Tyler's front door at exactly noon. She greets him with a hug, her blonde hair smelling of fruity shampoo. "Hi, I'm Jenna! Josh has told me a lot about you."

Tyler smiles in response, carrying his box of belongings out to her car. He doesn't even bother looking back as they drive away. He's glad he'll never have to see that place again.

"Do you want to grab something for lunch before we start shopping? We could grab something from Panera Bread or Chipotle, if you want," She suggests, Tyler watching the buildings as they drive by.

"Whatever you want," He responds.


Tyler nods in agreement, falling silent. Here he was hoping to make a new friend, but he doesn't even know what to say to her. Typical Tyler.

"So, you're from New York, right? Are you from the city?"

"No, I lived by Lake Erie. That's on the opposite end of the state," Tyler explains, grateful that everyone Josh associates with is good at making conversation. (Oh look it's me throwing an aspect of myself in this book even tho I live 2 hours away from Lake Erie but still)

"Oh, gosh. I've never been good with geography and stuff. I dropped out of highschool, actually. It really pissed my mom off, but look where I am now," She chuckles, switching radio stations when a country song started playing.

"How do you like working for Josh?" Tyler asks, wanting to get someone else's opinion of him.

"Oh, I love Josh. He's like a big brother to me. He's the nicest man you will ever meet, I'm telling you. He's a great boss."

Tyler nods, feeling satisfied that he stumbled upon such a great man. "Has he been in a lot of relationships?"

"Not really," Jenna shakes her head. "I've been working for him for five years, he's been in three relationships."

"Really? Why'd they end?" Tyler asks, hoping Jenna doesn't go and tell Josh that they're talking about him. He's just curious.

"Well, the last two ended up saying they didn't love him, they only wanted his money," She pauses to glance at Tyler. "You won't be like them, right? Josh doesn't deserve that again."

"No, of course not. I like Josh a lot."

"Okay, good, because I like you. You're cool."

Tyler grins. He's cool.

"Thanks. So, why did the first one end?"

Jenna hesitates, pulling into the parking lot for Chipotle. "Well, that was Josh's fault. He used to drink a lot. Like, a lot. He doesn't anymore, but he got drunk one night and cheated. That was way in the past, though. And don't tell him I told you, either. He'll be upset, but you deserve to know."

"I won't tell," Tyler promises, following her into Chipotle as he took in what she said. Josh used to be an alcoholic? He wonders why.

They order their meal and eat by the window, talking and watching the cars go by. Tyler is thankful Jenna isn't self-conceited, they spend most of their time talking about Josh. By the time they finish eating, it's one o'clock.

"Oh, gosh! We better go if we want to be done by four!" Jenna exclaims, shoving the rest of her wrap in her mouth. Tyler follows suit, nearly spitting it all out from laughing at the sight of Jenna. Her cheeks are stuffed full of food, she can't even open her mouth to talk.

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