19. Speechless

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(I decided I should go to 20 chapters and wrap things up for you guys (: Hope you enjoy.)

Their vacation is sadly coming to an end, but Josh insists Tyler wear the new outfit he bought while the brunette was at the beach with Jenna, and then orders Tyler to meet him on the beach when he's finished.

Tyler does such, smiling at he white, lace romper as he pulls it out of the bag. He also finds a pair of diamond stud earrings and a gold watch.

Holy shit, why would Josh buy him something so expensive? Tyler carefully clasps the watch, afraid touching the gold too much will somehow ruin it. Once the earrings are in, he smooths his hands over the romper, examining himself in the mirror. Damn, he looks good. Smiling to himself, Tyler doesn't bother slipping on any shoes as he takes off for the beach.

His feet smush against the warm sand as he walks, looking around for Josh. The tide is low as of now, and looking out over the ocean Tyler can tell the sun is about to set. He wonders what Josh has in mind, a mini photoshoot maybe? Tyler finally breaks past the thick vegetation lining the path and gasps at the sight.

Two rows of miniature lanterns illuminate the path to about mid-beach. The path leads to a circle of tiki candles, and in the center? Josh, sitting at a small table with yet another candle in the center. Tyler approaches with his mouth hanging open, which makes Josh chuckle.

 Tyler approaches with his mouth hanging open, which makes Josh chuckle

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"Nice of you to join me," he teases, standing and taking Tyler's hand. He leads the brunette to his seat, pulling out his chair for him and then helping him scoot in once he's seated. Josh takes his seat again, his hand finding Tyler's.

"This is beautiful, Josh," he gushes, looking around. "The outfit and everything."

"Thank you, baby. I'm glad you like it."

Their conversation is cut short when Jenna calls out from behind, "Dinner's ready!"

She approaches quickly, two plates in hand. After the plates are put down, Tyler can't help but laugh.

"Pizza! My favorite! You're seriously the best, Josh."

Jenna smiles, winking at the brunette. "Enjoy your meal. I'll be watching everything from the balcony." With that, she takes off. Josh picks up his wine glass and holds it out to the boy, who raises an eyebrow in response.

"It's sparkling grape juice," Josh explains, making Tyler giggle.

"Oh, got it," he replies, holding his wine glass out as well.

"To us," Josh starts, looking deep into Tyler's eyes, a small smile curved upon his lips. "To our future together."

Tyler's cheeks are a dark red as he responds, "To us."

They clink the glasses together and sip their juice, then Tyler immediately digs into the pizza. They eat pretty much in silence, listening to the waves of the sea. The sun is falling lower now, the sky is sure to burst into color any minute.

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