17. Beach House

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Tyler pretty much spends the entire plane ride to Florida either sleeping, annoying Josh, or putting makeup on Jenna. He's actually gotten quite skilled at blending eye shadow and applying eyeliner by the time they touch down. Josh says he's happy he won't have to hear Jenna saying "you're doing it wrong" to Tyler anymore like she had for the past hour or so.

"You love us," Tyler replies, a smile on his face as he links hands with Josh.

Josh doesn't respond, only chuckles as all three enter the airport and go to find their luggage. Once they collect their suitcases from the conveyor belt of wonders, Josh leads them outside. There's a man in a suit leaning against a limousine, holding up a sign with the word DUN written across it. Josh drops Tyler's hand to shake the chauffeur's and introduce himself. The chauffeur then holds the door open as the three pile into the back of the limo. 

"This is so fancy," Jenna gushes, taking a mint from a little bowl that sat on a small table in the center of the leather, wrap-around seat.

Tyler nods in agreement, popping a mint in his mouth as he leans against Josh's side who, in turn, wraps his arm around the brunette.

"You are too cute," he mumbles in Tyler's ear. "I can't wait to be alone with you.'

Tyler's face turns beat red as he lifts his eyes to meet Josh's intense stare. "Oh yeah? Why's that?"

Josh's lips curl into a little smirk. He shakes his head softly. "You'll see why."

"Will I?" Tyler tests, mocking Josh's grin.

The latter hums in response, firmly gripping Tyler's jaw between his thumb and index finger. Tyler gulps, holding Josh's eyes all while pleading with himself to not get a boner. And why the hell is he doing this in front of Jenna, anyway!? With a quick glance, Tyler can see Jenna too occupied with her phone to even be interested in the two of them.

Josh squeezes his jaw, slightly squishing the boy's cheeks. Tyler quickly trains his gaze back to the man, who stares at him with a straight face, jaw clenched. Then slowly, Josh's teeth peek from behind his lips, beaming at Tyler. He kisses his puckered lips.

"I love you."

Tyler grins in response as Josh lets go of his face and presses another kiss against his temple. "I love you too."

They sit in a comfortable silence the whole rest of the ride. Tyler gazes out the tinted window, admiring the scenery. He'd never seen palm trees in his entire life. Even behind the dark glass he can make out the vibrant colors. Tyler never thought he could be this excited about nature, but there's clearly a first time for everything.

As they pull up to the guest house, Tyler lets out a small gasp. It's a simple, modern, two-story home, yet it's absolutely stunning.

"Wow," Tyler murmurs, looking back and forth between the view of the beach and their house for the next few weeks

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"Wow," Tyler murmurs, looking back and forth between the view of the beach and their house for the next few weeks. "This is so pretty."

"I don't know, I think you've got it beat," Josh smiles, smooth as always. Tyler just blushes and shakes his head.

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