15. The Secret's Out

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All of the eyes burn a hole into Tyler's back. He can feel everyone staring, judging, snickering. Josh must notice it too; his arm falls around the boy's shoulders and pulls him in closer.

With a sigh of relief, Tyler mumbles, "I should've just worn jeans."

"But you look gorgeous," Josh responds, guiding the boy into the elevator and to the top floor.

Even though Tyler wants to disagree, he kind of knows he looks good. Otherwise, why would everyone stare at him? Some people just can't understand how he pulls off a skirt so well, obviously.

(His outfit :'))

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(His outfit :'))

Josh unlocks the door to his office and lets Tyler in first. Said boy heads straight for the swivel chair behind Josh's desk.

"Uh uh, I need to work. You can sit there," the man says, pointing at the lounge chair on the other side of the desk.

Tyler crosses his arms, not moving from the seat. "That's boring."

"Sit on my lap, then."

"Okay," the brunette grins, satisfied.

He takes his seat on the man's lap, purposely wiggling around for a few seconds before getting settled. Josh pulls up some webpage on his computer with a bunch of different numbers and words Tyler can't understand.

"What's that?"


"For what?"

"Work," Josh chuckles, resting his chin on the boy's shoulder. "Don't worry your pretty little head off."

"I'm not worrying, just curious," he explains, watching Josh open his e-mail and scroll through the numerous unread ones. "Shouldn't you read those?"

"They're not important," the man shrugs, opening one that has already been read. "What do you think of Miami?"

"I don't know, I've never been there. Why?" Tyler asks.

Josh scrolls through the e-mail, ignoring the several paragraphs and skipping straight to the bottom where a picture of a beach is attached. "Just wondering. Do you like the beach?"

"Um, duh. Maybe not when I get sand in my ass, but yeah," the boy laughs, looking to Josh in curiosity. "Why are you asking me about the beach?"

"We should go sometime," Josh suggests, one side of his mouth raising in a smirk.

"Like, for vacation?"


"Are you taking me to Miami?"


"Jooosh," the brunette whines, rolling his eyes. "Just tell me."


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