9. Running into Brendon

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(Things get pretty deep this chapter. A very poorly described panic attack, mentions of thoughts of suicide. Be careful. I love you.)

"Oh shit, oh my god, hide me!" Tyler panics, attempting to make himself as small as possible as he hides behind Josh.

"What? Why?"

"That's Brendon! Oh my god, he can't see me. Shit. Fuck," Tyler curses, peeking at said man from behind Josh's back. He's by himself, holding a six pack of beer and looking at cereals.

"Brendon?" Josh frowns, eyeing the man from head to toe. "Who is he?"

"The alcoholic neighbor guy I told you about!" Tyler whispers. "He's going to freak out if he sees me, especially dressed like this!"

"Hey now," Josh whips around, balled fists placed on his hips as he gives the brunette a stern look. "There's nothing wrong with the way you're dressed."

"Yeah but he's never seen me like this and can't we just go and come back? We don't need cereal that bad..."

"Come on, let's go talk to him," Josh grins, stepping out from in front of Tyler. The latter gasps and quickly tries to hide again, but Josh keeps pushing him forward.

Brendon's head turns toward the commotion. He looks annoyed at first and then gasps upon seeing his old "friend."

"Tyler! Dude!" He grins, more so looking at Josh than the brunette. "Who's this?"

"This is-"

"I'm Josh," he interrupts, giving Brendon his firm business-man handshake. Brendon seems surprised.

"Oh! I'm Brendon, Tyler's friend."

"He's told me about you," Josh grins, wrapping his arm around the boy's waist. Tyler literally wants to slap him. Although Brendon doesn't seem drunk, he's been through countless embarrassing moments with Tyler and the latter does not want Josh finding out. Who wants to find out their boyfriend was on the verge of ending it all because he was so lonely? That's some dark shit.

"Oh, cool! It's lonely without Tyler around," Brendon smiles, but it doesn't reach his eyes.

Tyler frowns, carefully examining the man before them. Dark bags below lifeless eyes, facial hair grown out so much it's beginning to form a beard, baggy shirt covering a torso that is surely thinner than the last time Tyler saw him... God dammit. Brendon isn't just lonely.

"Yeah, sorry about that," Josh speaks, while Tyler feels like he's about to have a panic attack in the middle of the store. He can't really make out anything else Josh says, he feels so guilty.

He knows the look in Brendon's eyes too well, he's been in that spot before.  How could Tyler be so fucking selfish? Brendon lost someone before, years ago, all he had was Tyler and Tyler didn't even care. Tyler didn't appreciate Brendon in the same way he appreciated Tyler. He figured Brendon would be fine without him. He had no idea him leaving would make everything worse!

It's all Tyler's fault. He wants to make it right, he has to, but he doesn't know how. What are Brendon's plans for tonight? Is he going to be okay? What if this is the last time Tyler ever sees him? Oh god.

Tyler doesn't notice he's panicking until Josh's hands are on his shoulders, gripping hard and rocking him back and forth, bringing him somewhat back to reality. Tyler's suddenly aware of how hard he's breathing, his hands pressing against his chest. He has to make things right, he has to fix Brendon, he has to calm down, but he can't fucking do anything right now.

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