16|Another casuality

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The next week LB was taken out of the emergency ward, she was lucky to have survived- even one wrong move could have been fatal. For the rest of the week she was in the medical ward her room was securely locked in hope of preserving some evidence of the crime scene.

"Bradley and Redfort please report to reception." Called out the speaker i a mechanical voice like a robot. As they walked to the foyer they talked about theories and how the disappearances of Ruby's friends, the near murder of LB and the resurfacing of the Count were linked together.

"Well we know that all this is done by the Count and that he is instructed by this evil genius." started Ruby

"So that means the evil genius is pulling the strings. We also know that he or she is the mole in Spectrum."

"Also we now that he or she has to be in Spectrum 8- where we work- because only then would they be blue to harm anyone physically in anyway with ease and not much of a trace."

"And that links to the near murder of LB." Bradley's tone changed a bit at this point- though Ruby noticed she didn't point it out.

"So to sum it up:
The evil genius has to be in Spectrum 8
The Count has now switched to work for this evil genius
The evil genius was partners with...

Just then all the lights turned off... there was a Thud! And a scream! And when the lights flickered back they lay there on the floor.

A Ruby Redfort (Lbaker) Fanfiction #1Where stories live. Discover now