22|Meeting Friends

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Heya guys, sorry for the less frequent updates. Its just that I have been sooooo busy!!!! So I am gonna write a comparatively long chapter. Oh and thanks to all the people who bothered to read and vote for my story :):):)!


Ruby woke up uncomfortable and sprawled on the floor. She tried moving her hands but found they were handcuffed. Her feet were tied and her both gagged. Great, that's exactly what I need! Can someone give a kid some peace? She looked at her t-shirt which rightly said 'in deep trouble'. Suddenly a purposeful 'tap tap' of shoes echoed in the desolate and abandoned place. But along with it was another 'tap', different and much more different. Different in another way, much more scarier than a thousand Counts. They stopped, she took a sharp intake of a breath and shut her eyes, just then the door opened and some 13-year-old kids were pushed in. Just as suddenly the door was closed and its terrifying owners, gone.

She looked up.


"Dell, what are you doing here?"

"I have been kidnapped, FYI, and what's your reason?"

"Dell, just quit it." interrupted another voice.

"Shut up!" replied Dell, "Elliot Finch, you have been crying."

"And you have been non-stop bragging." countered Elliot.

"Hey Rube." cried a voice.


"Who else?" she shrugged and stepped out if the darkness. Her coat teared and her hair all over the place like she had gotten into a fight. They sat down and started to talk to each other, just like they had met each other yesterday. Like they were not in danger (which they were).

"Guys, can we try and get out of this place?" pleaded Elliot.

"Right." sighed Ruby and slithered her way out of the handcuffs. Everyone looked astonished.

"How did you just..."

"The handcuffs? They didn't fit me." she said casually, though actually they were part of her Spectrum training, and set about untying her feet.

'Tap, Tap'

A chill shot up their spines.

'Tap, tap', it got louder.

"Ruby, I am scared..." whispered Mouse.

"Who is that?" trembled Elliot. And Ruby replied, instantly:

"The Count." and as she said that he entered as if on stage.

"How it is so nice to see you altogether again!" He exclaimed and clapped.

"Oh, and Miss Redfort, I was so hoping to see you today and e-viola," he carried on with a flourish of his hand, "you are right here. It is so strange where fate can lead you..." For a moment Dell looked at her:

"You know him?"

"Umm..." Ruby looked dumb-founded.

"Oh yes!" The Count adopted a look of surprise "she didn't tell you?" everyone had a look of curiosity plastered on their face.

"She..." suddenly he stopped and walked out of the door. As he stood outside, talking, the group heard muffled voices. Then the murderer came back in...

"I am afraid we have a surprise for you, not a nice one, but a surprise none the less." he smiled warmly. The elegant man was joined by 10 other thugish men who surrounded Ruby and her friends. And Ruby just walked silently. She had no energy, no power, no nothing. What could she do?

A Ruby Redfort (Lbaker) Fanfiction #1Where stories live. Discover now