Elementary School

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Let's get this straight right here right now I really hate how people assume that you get fat by eating. I know I may have an endomorphic shape but it's not because of eating and I'm not even going to start with all them disease and crap. My doctors say I have an inactive thyroid. I doubt y'all know what it means but basically it makes me fat. The worse part about it is I have to hear people say I eat too much. I eat as much as any regular skinny girl at our school. I participate in gym also. I don't run out of breath as fast as people expect me to so they can laugh at me. I basically like a skinny girl but with extra... girl. I was the only fat person at my school literally. When people at my school first saw me they was surprised. They actually never seen a fat girl before.

Most of y'all would think that elementary would be the less cruel then any other level in school it wasn't for me. I hated elementary school so bad. They was so mean to me. In elementary school you learn how to be nice and caring. We learned it but kids never learned how to do it with little fat me. I probably will never forget elementary. I still remember when I was in about second grade and a news crew came to my classroom. All the kids sat in front of him on the floor criss cross apples sauce while me and Cindy (A one arm girl in my class) sat down near the nice man with the microphone. He asked all the kids would they rather be friends with a fat kid or a one arm kid I only heard one arm kid. I thought there was shy quiet people rooting for me until he did his little project. The man said if they would rather be friends with a one arm kid stand on the left side if they rather be friends with a fat kid stand on the right. I was so sad to see everyone went on the left side. I couldn't stay in the class room. I was alone on the right side. Even the teacher was on left side. I ran out the classroom with tears falling down my face. When the teacher finally catches up to me she told me they are just playing. It was for fun. Just a game. I always thought games was suppose to be fun not painful. That what the teachers kept saying 'just a game, just a game, just a silly little games.' They wrapped there mind around that logic. I was literally alone all the time.

No one wanted to play with me at recess. They said that I will just cause an earthquake so I should sit down. No one would sit near me cause they thought I would eat there food. I heard everything they said about me. 'If you get close enough you would gain ten pounds'. What kind of logic is that? I had one friend. She was new so I talked to her a lot she said I was funny and she even gave me a friendship bracelet. It was soo cute. It fit my wrist unlike the ones the teacher gives out. Until one day she wouldn't talk to me. I said hi to her and she just looked at me and turned away. She started hanging with the girls who always wore pink. The girls would always point and laugh. That one friend that I had was laughing at me. Not with me. That was when I figured it was just me. I put it in my head that it was all my fault why everyone hated me. That's how second to eighth grade went for me. Even some of the teacher singled me out.

Games are not fun no more...


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