A Very Quick Wedding (Quick)

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Like the pun in the title? 😉😂

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Like the pun in the title? 😉😂

Lol thanks to tsbutterflys for the prompt and ship.

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"What joy does Kurt find in doing any of this?" Puck sighed as he closed his laptop, taking his glasses off and rubbing his eyes.

"I have absolutely no idea." Quinn said as she closed the binder that she was looking at and pushed it forwards.

"Why don't we have him to all of this, since he enjoys it so much, and all we have to do is show up."

"No." Quinn glared at her fiancé of 6 months and moved to sit on the bed with him. "He's our absolute last resort. He gave us all the tools and resources, plus some really good ideas. Besides it's our wedding. I want it to have our ideas and decisions."

"Whatever you want, dear." Puck chimes sarcastically with an eye roll as he pulled the blonde onto the bed and a brought her close, pecking her lips.

"Have you thought about who your best mans going to be?" She asked as she snuggled into the boys chest.

"I'm deciding between Finn and Jake but neither of them know they're in the running. How about your maid of honor?"

"I'm thinking of Santana but she slapped me so possibly Mercedes."

"Cool." He mumbled, staring to pepper kisses up her neck, making the blonde shiver.

"Puck, we have- mm, planning to do. Mm, that can wait." She whispered as the boy flipped her so he was hovering over, a seductive smirk on his lips.

"Quickie?" He asked.

She glanced over at the digital clock and nodded. "Twenty minutes. Then we have to pick up Beth."

"Plenty of time." He said and took no time in crashing his lips onto his fiancés with a smile.


"I give up! I love you and all, Quinn. But who needs a marriage ceremony? We can just say we're married and be more lovey dovey then Finchel." Puck groaned as he shut the, hundredth, binder the girl had him look over.

"Come on. Please, Puck? Just a couple more things then we can be done." Quinn pleaded as she wrote something down in a notebook filled with sticky notes.

"Beth, when you ever get married. I'll give you all the money you want, just please don't ask me to help plan it. Alright?" Puck spoke to the three year old who was playing with her toys on the floor of the living room.

" 'Tay Daddy!" She exclaimed, though probably not understanding what she was agreeing too.

"Alright." Puck nodded with a chuckle as he looked back at the binder with Quinn smiling at the two.

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