I Kissed A Girl (Quinntana)

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set during 3x06, after santana gets outed, quinn comforts her plus possibly a kiss

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set during 3x06, after santana gets outed, quinn comforts her plus possibly a kiss. . .

brittana is just friends in this one. . . (yikes, imma get yelled at for that one)

requested by louism_2001

brittana shippers don't kill me! i will make a one shot for you soon.

• • •

Finn Hudson was a complete ass.

As Santana fled the room that held the three adults, she couldn't help but repeat those six words in her head.

She never felt so humiliated in her entire life.

And she hated that Finn opened his stupid tiny mouth and outed her right then and there in the middle of a busy hallway. He should've just kept his lips on Rachel's.

Running into the nearest bathroom, the girl went to the sink and clutched the sides so hard her knuckles were probably white.

Then she started sobbing.

The thought of her family seeing the video was hard to stomach, but the entire state was going to see this too and that was painful to just think about.

She had a plan. A plan that involved sitting down with her parents and talking this through.

A plan that didn't involve all of Ohio knowing she was a lesbian.

"He's a jerk." a voice said that startled her. Looking in the mirror she saw Quinn Fabray standing in the doorway, hair cut short and dyed back to her usual blonde instead of that hideous pink.

She sniffled (more like snorted but she wasn't going to admit that), and wiped her eyes. "What're you talking about?"

"I was standing near the hallway and heard what he said," the other girl said softly as she moved closer to her friend, "I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve that."

The latina sucked in a breath at that, wanting so bad to cry but not willing to do it in front of Quinn Fabray of all people. She would have her time to rant and vent to Brittany later.

Instead, she went to paper towel dispenser and got a sheet, wetting it to dab on her red flushed cheeks. "Look, it's already out in the open. Salazar's add is going to go through and then I'll officially be an out and proud lesbian." she looked at her reflection in the mirror and started dabbing her eyes, being aware of her makeup.

"You know he almost did it to me once too." Quinn said quietly.

Santana turned to the blonde. "What?"

"Me and this cheerleader, we- I was experimenting and he accidentally walked in on us under the bleachers. He almost went straight to JBI but I convinced him not too."


"I let him touch my boob." she shrugged and Santana couldn't help but let out a dry chuckle at that. That's one way to get a straight guy to do something.

The dark haired girl turned back to the mirror and wiped the remains of her mascara under her eyes before throwing the paper towel away.

She sniffled before leaning back against the sink and giving the girl opposite her an approving look. "So Quinn Fabray, a lesbian. I have to say, I'm not surprised; you know with the way you and Berry practically flirt with one another." she smirked.

"Shut up." Quinn snapped but she was smiling too.

A beat passed before Santana spoke. "What's it like? Kissing a girl."

The blonde raised an eyebrow. "You've never kissed a girl before?"

With a shake of her head, the latina explained. "All the guys that I've been with, I just don't feel anything. Sure they're good kissers or whatever, but no spark. Plus I have my eye on a girl I want to kiss but I don't have enough guts to ask or do it."

"Want me to help?" the question came out before Quinn could think. It made Santana furrow her eyebrows.

"By what? Kissing me?"

"I mean, yeah, if you want. What're friends for, right?" she joked. When she saw the look on her friends face she clarified. "It would be a one time thing. No strings, just strictly me helping you."

There was awkward silence between them (between the offer that was just put  out there and the fact that they both could hear a vigorous make out session in the boys bathroom) before a barely whispered. "Okay." was said from the brown-eyed girl's lips.

It happened faster than the Flash running.

Quinn's lips were on Santana's before the Latina could even register it and it felt nice. Like vanilla if she was being specific.

Somehow, her arms ended up around the blondes neck and she felt a pair of arms around her waist, as the kiss went deeper. Her eyes shut tight as she pressed harder.

Then it was done. Over. Santana's first experience kissing a girl lasted less than a minute.

And not as scary as she thought it would be.

"I-uh- thank you." Santana coughed as she fiddled with the skirt of her uniform before awkwardly hugging her friend, who hugged back.

"Yeah, no problem." came the, in Quinn's opinion, lame response. "Hoped it helped."

"It did!" Santana yelled and it echoed through the bathroom, making her flinch slightly. "It did," she said normally. "But now, I have to go."

"Sure. Of course." Quinn smiled. No strings attached. Just me helping you.

"Bye." Santana waved as she walked out the door and headed down the hall.

Quinn looking at the now closed door and frowned.

She liked Santana Lopez and didn't even know it until now.

apparently it's 'bash Finn Hudson' over here in nergirls corner of wattpad lol

well there's that. . .

now i gots to get crackin on my halloween one shot!!

anyway, tell me how you liked it (or hated it, or mediocred-it) and don't forget to vote and comment!

have a good night/day and thanks for reading!

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