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Okay this picture is from the 3rd book Trailer,and first  off..........Sophie.....Bru where is your hairline! Ok I'll start this chapter here we go.


Tedros had woke up from a unrestful sleep. He couldn't stop thinking about Agatha. she hadn't talked to him in weeks ( Gee I wonder why) He got out of bed and went to class, same old same old just another day with the same classes, girls following him,and what he still hadn't gotten used Agatha. Of course he'd pass her in the hallway or see her at lunch but Tedros yearned just to have Agatha by his side once again he realized that this time it was his fault for her leaving him.

Agatha had at first felt hurt by seeing Tedros with Beatrix and how he wouldn't even try to sort things out but just hoped for some holy or sacred miracle to come along joining them back together. Nope Agatha was done. Agatha really had turned into a kind, weak, and sensitive princess and she hated that. So she thought that day when seeing Tedros and Beatrix kissing "Screw it!  If Tedros doesn't love me then Tedros doesn't love me, life will go on." And walked  off and honestly she felt free as if Tedros was just  nothing but a mere memory that she had to hold onto forever. She remembered how he'd her kissed on the cheek in front of Nathaniel, how he'd kissed her in front of Nathaniel,and lastly how he'd act around Nathaniel. "I don't belong to anybody,"she mumbled low under her breath she wasn't going to let anybody play with her emotions. Not this time. 

Agatha walked out to the outdoor lunch area and found Kiko. Kiko insisted that Agatha wasn't well but Agatha felt better than ever. "Hi Agatha," she looked up to see a stuttering Nathaniel. He took a seat next to Agatha but felt like he was being watched. Slowly he started to speak "I know that you're hurting about Tedros cheating on you, but I would like to-well if you want-"He was stopped by Agatha placing her hand on his."Whatever it is I'm sure it'll be lovely,"Agatha smiled cheerfully. She wasn't giving her heart to Nathaniel and she wasn't going on a date with him, but she really needed a friend right now that wasn't concerned about her and Tedros. 

"Am I really that easy to replace?" standing in front of them was Tedros the look on his face explained everything she looked up at Nathaniel to see him staring right back at her blushing madly with a worried expression.

"Am I really that easy to replace?" standing in front of them was Tedros the look on his face explained everything she looked up at Nathaniel to see him staring right back at her blushing madly with a worried expression

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Nathaniel felt Agatha's hand pull away and then clench tight into a fist. "What do you care, you're the one who cheated on me remember?" She replied coldly meeting his eyes. Before he could reply Agatha spat another harsh comment " Or can you not remember because you don't have room in your brain to think of your imperfect self trying to make your daddy proud?" Tedros' eyes widened in shock of the insult. His father had died of being an alcoholic after his mother had left him. He'd vowed to make good choices and be the leader he'd be in the future. He had told Agatha everything about his past trying to bring them closer, but he'd never think Agatha would use this against him ( Yeah we get it Tedros you got burned) Tedros lowered his head in shame and right when he was about to bark back an insult there was a loud bang; Thump! Thump! Thump!  

Then the barrier that was protecting them all from the school for evil cracked until a hole was made then out of black light Rafal and Sophie appeared. He had a smirk on his face prepared for everyone's reaction. "The two Evers who started this come forth! " Rafal declared as the two stepped forward. Tedros gripped Excalibur ready for action while Agatha's finger glowed right gold. "My my my," he spoke "You can really feel the tension between you two! He laughed 

"Honestly how can you two expect  to win a war when you can't even manage a relationship!" 

"We don't need your account when your relationship isn't even real!" Tedros roared.

"On the contrary your relationship doesn't exist either, and our love is mutual thank you very much! You just need someone to be in.........." He snapped the pink wrist band making Sophie snuggle into his chest. "Control." He turned around and the mask appeared on his face

" One month thats all I give you! Either surrender before then or fight and die, the choice is yours!" And just like that he and Sophie vanished

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" One month thats all I give you! Either surrender before then or fight and die, the choice is yours!" And just like that he and Sophie if never there.

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