Before War Aproaches

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(Agatha P.O.V.)

I sat in my dorm looking out through my window as  the dark and clouded sky shed a little bit of sun through them. The problem was there wasn't enough light. I was always told that light would find it's way through the darkness, but what if there wasn't any light, how could it find its way through the darkness? I had pondered these thoughts day and night the last couple of days.

But now it was time. This is where good and evil would fight for their lives until one side was defeated. There were no miracles. There was no way for me and Sophie to go home and pretend like this was all a dream and that they could just leave behind this painful story. This was real. This was happening. There was no going back home. No family waiting for us . No happily ever after. Just a story waiting to finish out it's last chapter.

I sighed thinking about all the things that had happened. All the things we had done to end up like this. "We chose our paths," I thought. "We ended up this way and now it's time to finish what we started."

(Back to Third Person)


Young Evers and Nevers set traps, sharpened weapons, and prepared for battle in any way they could.

Kiko and Tristan walked aside of each other checking and making sure that these students were willing to risk their lives for the sake of good.

"I can't believe we're actually going to fight in a war..and possibly die." A young first year named Pippy who had been a cheerful student at first but now had to face the sad truth of the world she now lived in.

"It's like what Lady Lesso said when she brought me over here," a young never boy with oily black hair responded "She said "If you're not willing to die for Good but can't live with yourself for being evil than what's the point of even living through this war?" ."

A small tear rolled down Kiko's cheek as she heard this. These children didn't have time to learn the ethics of good and evil. They had to grow up fast and pick which side they wanted to fight for. They were gambling their lives because they had no choice but to. These children were chosen to come to this school because they had a chance to be glorified and remembered as a hero or villain. Instead they could die over a war as nothing but mere background characters.

"Sir Tedros said that we'll need to fight with all our strength no matter what it takes."

"One of the professors mumbled during classes saying that we really shouldn't have our fingers unlocked like this this soon. He said that they had to rush and cut our training to make room for this."

Tristan clenched his fist tight and grabbed onto Kiko's hand. And somehow Kiko knew that he was saying to stay by his  side.


"Who knew that we'd be fighting for Good's side." Smirked Anadil as she stirred up the potion.

"I can't believe Sophie chose to fight for Evil." Dot sighed.

"I can't believe that stupid Hort stayed behind just because of Sophie." Hester spat.

"Crazy things happen when it comes to love!"

"Shut up Dot and why don't you do something other than sit around and eat chocolate." Hester barked.

" Do you think we'll die as heroes?" 

"I said shut up Dot. We're bad, we're villains. Remember you stupid pig!"

"Yeah but we're fighting on Good's side, so what if-"

"Dot listen to Hester and stop talking." Anadil grumbled the two of them looking over at Hester whose demon twitched on her neck. The witches worked in silence as they made more weapons to be used.


Tedros sat in the office where the captains had discussed strategies previously. He  thought about everything in his life up to this moment. His mother leaving, his father dying, meeting Agatha, Agatha and him, Agatha leaving, the war starting, and lastly all the children whose lives were in their hands.

He wasn't even 16 yet he had been prepared for the throne at such a young age, then he was sent off to the School for Good and Evil and then without any proper training in becoming a legend for the side of good yet before he even graduated he was already inside a fairy tale getting ready to prepare young students like himself for war?

He hated this feeling because it would be all like before. He thought for half his life when he was little that his mother had left because of him. And now he'd think for the rest of his life the thousands of lives sacrificed in this war.  Were because of him. 


Sophie looked out from her window the weakened force field on the side of good as Rafal prepared his army of the dead. "Evil never plays fair," she thought she heard a knock on the door and was about to move from her spot until she knew that she couldn't open the door if she wanted to. The doors were locked from the inside but Rafal was just showing off. He commanded her to not open the door . She was like a dog obeying her master's every word. It was humiliating. How her friends would see her hug and hang on tightly to his side in utter shock. She would laugh along side him calling her friends fools. And lastly she would possibly execute them with a grin on her face. 

"How can I help them," She struggled trying to think. Just then a note slipped under her door.

"You don't have to do this I'm here for you


She had forgotten that Hort had stayed in The School for Evil for her. She laughed tears of happiness streaming down her face. Maybe there was a way to save her friends.

"Hort.......................are you there?" She called out from behind the locked door.


"I need your help. Can you help me?"

"You know I can't say no to you?"

She chuckled "Good."


(Time skip)

"So that's the plan huh?" Hort sighed against the wall.

"Yep. I'm putting my fate in your hands. But Hort if all else fails."

"What?" He perked against the door.

"You'll have to allow me to do what I have to do to save Aggie." Sophie said darkly getting up from her position.

Hort sighed "Alright." And walked away.


On both sides of the schools the next sounds you could here was thunder playing like drums and the sound of chants from The School Master's army of dead. War was approaching and everyone was as close to death's doorstep than any child reading their story books in the near future could possibly imagine. 


As the traitor on Good's side stood for evil in shame. As the students of good and evil gathered round................. War had come.


Hello ! Get ready for the start of the war. I was gonna post the next three chapters together but I figured that you guys would  like it if I gave you this first one. But remember! The next three WILL be posted together meaning longer wait and more writing.No exceptions! 

_______________________HI this is a short message I added I know it's taking a really long time to get all three chapters out but I promise they'll be long and filled with great action and drama! 

Don't go anywhere!


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