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Agatha sat their with Nathaniel on the bed in the infirmary.

"I'm really sorry I feel asleep here, it must've been uncomfortable for you."

"No not at all." Nathaniel said.

"I know you didn't really get a lot of sleep last night." Agatha looked at him questionably.

"Why do you say that?"

"Well you were already dressed in your uniform behind Dean Dovey with hot chocolate." Nathaniel stated. Agatha didn't look up at him.

"Why were you with Dean Dovey anyway?"Now that's when Agatha turned completely red slowly looking up.

"I-uh I was talking to Dean Dovey about erm..................................Tedros. "Agatha squeaked out the last part clearly embarrassed. 

Nathaniel sighed. Agatha had been bottling her emotions about everything that has occurred. And can you blame her? She was responsible for the whole upcoming  war, having to witness her lover cheating on her, and then having to train the entire school in less than 5 weeks for the war.

"Agatha." Nathaniel sighed. "Tedros didn't mean to cheat on you, Beatrix kissed him. Tedros loves you with all of his heart and can't live without you. I can't speak for Tedros but I think the reason he told me to come out last night was his instinct of protecting you because he loves you and is trying to win you back."

Agatha looked into Nathaniel's eyes "He never lost me." Nathaniel looked at Agatha as if to question her. " But he lost faith when he all he had to do is come to me and talk it out." Agatha said looking back down.

Nathaniel felt pain in his chest telling him to hold back what he was saying but he said it anyway."I have to save her by letting her go." He thought. "Then you should go to him Agatha." She looked up at him in confusion. 

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean Agatha, their not called true loves for nothing."And just like that Agatha left with realization of what she had to do.


Tedros sat on the bench and thought. "It's over..................I lost her............................ and I never even got to tell her I-"

"Tedros?" A familiar voice said. Tedros' head perked up looking at Agatha in her stunning beauty a faint and sad smile on her lips.

 Tedros' head perked up looking at Agatha in her stunning beauty a faint and sad smile on her lips

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(Ignore the "Sophie please" part not my drawing so.....yeah)

"Can we talk?"She asked.

"Yeah sure." She sat next to him on the bench.

"Tedros you hurt me," she began."But you didn't intentionally cheat-"

"Right," Tedros interrupted hopeful.

"But you did scold,attack,and avoid me and Nathaniel."

"Yeah." He replied disappointment rich in his voice. 

"At this school though, we are taught to be kind, honest,and forgiving. So Tedros Pendragon," Agatha declared standing up.

"Are you ready to start over?This is a choice only you can make." She smiled warmly holding out her hand. Tedros looked up at Agatha, seeing a smile he hadn't seen in a long time.

"Definitely." Tedros replied taking her hand and just like that they were off. Although Tedros was disappointed that Agatha wasn't willing to be more than friends, he was happy to be with her again. The two walked happily away and into the school. 

And everything seemed fine as if now the school could have a  chance at winning the war with their top ranked students reunited again, and no one mentioned the drama between the two anymore and the things that it had caused. The Dean forgot all about the fight that had happened last night that no one even noticed that the boy inside the infirmary...................................... was gone.


Dun! Dun!Dun!

Cliffhanger! What's going to happen? Will BookGeek ever finish writing this fanfic cause it's taking a long time believe me? Will Tagatha live? Will Sophie be free from the curse? And lastly will Hort finally get his frog pajamas back (JK)? WE'll SEE!!!!!!!!!!

Hello hope this chapter was full of enough for you guys. I've had a lot of time to write since school got out for me just last Friday! Did you guys see the Book title reference I made in this chapter (it's at the end), tell me down n the comments if you found it. My name is a little long so when you're referring to me down int he comments you can just call me BookGeek.



If you can't find the title reference tell me and I'll post it in the comments. 

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