Are You Sure You're Not Over Me?

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The ground shook everyone was still tense this was completely unexpected but at the same time completely predictable.  Agatha knew that this was bigger than just her and Tedros versus Sophie and Rafal ( Even though they're NOT a couple anymore!) Agatha and Tedros had to save  not just the school, but their entire world. " Alright everybody listen up!The School Master is coming and ready to attack! If we don't act fast and prepare our whole world as we know it will come to an end." Agatha spoke loud projecting to those around her. She opened her mouth to speak again but then noticed something. Clearly Tedros hadn't gotten the memo that their argument was over, and that they where focusing on the upcoming war because he was walking away fuming with the nastiest scowl anyone had seen him wear. Could he not just let something go for awhile.

Agatha followed him calling after him, but he just got farther up ahead sprinting away. When he'd thought he'd given her the slip he continued to walk the rest of the way to his dorm room. He walked into his room and sat on the bed thinking about the whole salutation. Tedros then heard faint noises. "Tedros! ......Tedros!...... Tedros! Tedros come back!" Agatha was getting closer(Of course knowing the way to his dorm)He shot up getting ready to lock and shut the door until a foot wedged the door open. There before him stood a tired and out of breath Agatha. She looked up only to see........a shirtless......Tedros..........Crap. She may strongly dislike him right now but that doesn't mean he's going to get any less attractive (sometimes). He then spoke "If you really hated me then why would you follow me into my room to see me shirtless?" Agatha rolled her eyes at the comment , she definitely wasn't in the mood for this. " Well for starters-" she started.... noticing Tedros inch closer to her. " Well for starters because there's a whole school counting on us to fight against The School Master and Sophie, you booted off without any word, you knew I needed to talk to you and kept on walking away, you can't let go of things easily and move on to different subjects(proved by when you couldn't shake off our little disagreement),and if anything you're the one who took off your shirt, KNOWING I WAS COMING TO TALK TO YOU! So please don't turn this into a conversation about our current relationship okay." Tedros hated it when Agatha was right but couldn't bare to let her have the satisfaction. Agatha had amazing reflexes and knowing self combat it would be a piece of cake to do what Tedros was planning.

He flashed a grin then put his hand up as if to strike her, Agatha raised her golden lit finger and pushed  him the opposite way. Tedros kicked his feet up high enough making Agatha trip landing on top of his shirtless chest. Agatha flushed with embarrassment trying to scramble off of him. "You know it's not to late for you to apologize and have me back" Tedros said teasingly.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................silence filled the room and Agatha's expression read it all.................................................She was triggered............."Me apologize to you," Agatha scoffed taking in his words."Wow you really are an idiot, forget it." She started heading for the door "I'm not apologizing to someone who cheated on me in the first place and wouldn't even look me in the eye for weeks. Not even apologizing for the fact that you cheated on me. So fine if you wanna play the jerk,  not help oh I don't know save our school,and pretend you never hurt me then by all means go ahead." She slammed the door shut storming off back down to the courtyard. What had Tedros done he'd wanted to have Agatha back but instead made everything worse. 

With a heavy sigh he got up,  put a shirt on, and went back downstairs to help solve the problem. "Agatha I really want to help fight against the School Master and Sophie, I promise to think about us working together differently.I'm a huge idiot and a huge jerk I should never have treated with so much disrespect...... Well........will you have me?......." Silence fell across the courtyard... And then Agatha smiled "Of course."


Well what did you think? Now Now we can't have this be completely lovey dovey Tagatha now can we. The end of this fanfic is...........................................................................................................................................................................................nowhere near ending stay tuned for the next chapter peace out XD

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