7: Getting What You Paid For

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He wrapped his large arms around your waist and laid his hands on your ass. Worick's thirsty lips began kissing and sucking at your neck. Tenderly, you wrapped your own arms around his broad shoulder and you moved your body up and down using your strong quadriceps.

Desperately, he wanted to compliment your body; tell you how you squeezed him and how he felt like he could finish at any moment. But it would be fruitless. Besides the fact that you were deaf, you also had your eyes closed and your head thrown back. So instead of all of that, Worick worked even harder on your body, biting on your trapezius muscle and forcing a moan out of you.

He was going to get a slap from Georgiana for marking you like this; a purple neck from another person definitely deterred customers. He knew this from first hand experience, but he couldn't help it. He was so pleased with it and every penny he spent was worth it.

Then, rather than a straight up and down muscle, you pushed yourself all the way down and began rolling your hips; grinding your pelvis into him. You shoved Worick down until his back hit the couch.

Let me work your body for you. You signed to him as your pace increased and your laid your hands on his muscular abs.

He pushed the stray hairs off his forehead with his hand and signed alright. Before place his hands behind his head and closing his eyes. Each thrust you gave pulled out and pushed more in; which allowed you to watch Worick's mouth open and a louder noise to be made every time. By the time that you felt like he was so loud you could almost understand what he was saying, you leaned down and connected your mouth to this.

His hands flew up and desperately pulled your face further into his as your tongue glided into his mouth smoothly. The feeling of your chest rubbing against his turned you on even further and you felt the coil inside of your body reach it's snapping point. As he grabbed a hold of your hips and pounded into you from below, sounds of orgasm escaped both your and Worick's mouths.

Expecting to be pushed back up and off, you began to sit back up. But instead of that, Worick pulled you into his chest.

Stay a second. He signed with one hand.

In response, you took a deep breath and relaxed. You were pretty tired after this. After a moment, Worick sat back up, but continued to hold you close, laying his head on your shoulder. Eventually though, he removed himself and got up to throw away the pink latex barrier.

Do you want your massage now? You asked.

Still giving? Sure. You must be good at it. He motioned to the floor as he laid on it.

Not on your bed? You asked.

No, I don't bring people to my bed very often.

That's fair. I don't either. But I have a confession. You spelled out confession. I have never given a massage. Most clients want sex.

Worick made a groaning noise and a thinking face as he scrounged around for a cigarette and a lighter.

Go wake up Nic. He'll help you. He pointed to Nic's room as he lit up.

You thought about it for a minute, wondering if you should just give it a try without any help, but you figured that if Worick wanted it and Worick paid for it, then you would do what he said. So you walked into the small room.

Stripped (Nicolas x Reader x Worick)Where stories live. Discover now