27: Chats

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You laid your head on Worick's chest that night as your hip and legs were strewn across Nicolas' torso. Neither of them were ever very good sleepers, so every few hours you were woken up by either Worick's nightmares that made him jerk upright or by Nicolas' tossing and turning.

But eventually the morning did come and you did have to part ways.

I missed your bodies. You signed to them as you dressed yourself in clothes that had been left here since you moved out.

When can we see you again? Worick asked quickly, after buttoning his shirt.

When can I see you again? Nic corrected him cheekily.

I'm not sure! You laughed, But I'm afraid the next time, I'll forget sign language. Miles never lets me use it. He's so awful sometimes.

Worick frowned and Nic elbowed him. The smile dropped off your face instantly.

What? You asked.

We think he's... too awful. Worick signed carefully. Can we do anything for you? To help you?

You stepped back, a little uncomfortable with the sudden shift of conversation. Nic took a hair brush and began brushing your hair: something he particularly enjoyed doing. He honestly wanted to do something less awkward than stand around and talk about the husband you were cheating on.

Maybe just leave me be. I'm fine. I am well taken care of. Look at the money I have. I have decent sex with him; amazing sex with you two. What more could I want? Your hands began flying. Do you not have a woman out there anyway? Do you need some help? Some money? Maybe I should be paying you now.

You don't need to be angry. Leave Alex out of this.

Why? Because she's your special lady?

She's certainly not my wife!

You threw up your hands and made a noise of anger.

Why are you so upset suddenly? Worick signed as he sat down on the bed and Nic pulled you onto his lap next to him.

I... I hate living with him, but I have no reason to cheat on him. Maybe I'd feel better if you were cheating too. You stroked Nic's face. He was being oddly quiet, but his hands came up to respond for this.

We can pretend I'm cheating on Worick with you. He signed so that you could understand him.

You laughed.

"Wawick." You sighed. "Worick."

"Yes?" He said back to you; not that you could hear it very well.

If I gave you a reason to kill my husband for me, would you do it? You asked him, very slowly.

This made him pause. He and Nic were in the business of killing... but not usually their own men. If he was caught, he'd be absolutely slaughtered by Daniel Monroe.

I would do it, love. Nic assured you as he kissed at your neck. But Worick has to tell me to.

Worick stumbled. He still wasn't sure.

I... I don't know, YN. There was too many factors, his head was swimming from last night and he wasn't sure if he was supposed to be saying good bye for a few days or for years. But the next noise answered that last question.

Knock, knock, knock.

Stripped (Nicolas x Reader x Worick)Where stories live. Discover now