9: Sold Off

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"Why wam were wor wa wam Wiwas. Ee ees wa wafwe. Wow wup?" A man you had known for many years now, was standing in front of you and Georgiana as the brothel's club was in full swing. You had no idea what was being said; the bass and the music not helping out. But was was going to help you out was Worick's hands, which began flying towards Nicolas. You tried to see what he was signing, but the leader of the Monroe family, Daniel, was standing in your way.

"Wa, wa, wa!" Worick sauntered up and put a hand on Daniel's shoulder. "Wiff why woowa wone we woof why wer, Wiwowas wan why woowa waffed wo wup womee."

Hey, hey, hey. If I would have known we could buy her, Nicolas and I would have saved so much money.

You looked at Georgiana, who had her business face on.

"Why wack wom wowand weepwee. Wam woo woah wee weedwa wepiwal wepwemt." Georgiana put an arm protectively around you.

You're being bought, but she's making sure the guy knows you're deaf. Worick summarized for you.

"Wiff woo why were wo wee?" Worick spoke to Daniel, who pushed his hand off of his shoulder.

Will you buy her for me?

"Woah. Wee wiff wo Wiwas." He laughed. "Wee weshwarbs wa wombwawull, woowiffal wowam."

"Woowamt wee whip were wout?"

Shouldn't he pick her out?

You began to feel worried. Why wasn't this guy here? You had thought that Daniel was buying you again; not your favorite because of his kink for sticking guns inside of you. But you knew whatever he said, went. He was the boss, and he was beginning to look annoyed with Worick's inquiries.

"Why wib whip were woo. Whip woahwer whit. Wime womwomwom war."

"Wiwas womp whip were. Woo woah wee wiff woah wicked." Worick pressed.

That man, he had to stay vague because there was no quick way to spell the name, won't like her. You know he is so strict.

"Whap. Wown." Georgiana spoke seriously. "Woo wumwed wifwee wowand."

"Waip!" Worick's face changed, and Nicolas had to come put a hand on his arm to hold him back.

Sorry, YN. Was all that Nicolas had to say. But he used his own special name sign for you, making it even more bittersweet.

"Wowd." Daniel shook Georgiana's hand and she turned to you.

"Woah whap."

You looked at her with confusion and back at Daniel. The music was too loud and you didn't understand anything.

Can you sign to me what's happening? I do not understand, Mother.

You're getting married. Congratulations. Go pack.

To who? What happened? Where am I going? Do they know sign language?

She gave you a hard look and pushed you towards the stairs.

We are sorry, YN. Worick signed to you.

And so you went to pack. Maybe this mystery man would be fine. Perhaps he might learn sign language for you and you could fall in love. You could have a family. If they were closely associated with Daniel, then they were probably wealthy, meaning you could keep your lifestyle. But you were sure of one thing. You wouldn't be able to keep Worick and Nicolas.

Stripped (Nicolas x Reader x Worick)Where stories live. Discover now