12: Obviously The Wedding

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There was a long pause in which you realized that your two words of the day were due.

"I do." Your mouth formed the words as best as you could and you saw Miles phyisically relax, as if your voice had the power to ruin the entire day.

And for him, it did. But as for you, the day was actually going pretty well. Much like an arraigned marriage, you were quickly deciding that rather than be bitter about the situation, you would simply learn to accept it. There were plenty of upsides to marrying Miles.

He was wealthy and had no qualms about allowing you the nicest things in life; in fact, he insisted on it. He wasn't a mean man per say, but he also seemed like the protective (or was it possessive?) type. And on top of all of that, he was determined to help you practice your lip-reading and speaking.

Not that I really wanted to... but I guess it is helpful. You thought as you accepted the chaste kiss that he planted on your lips. You felt beautiful today. Your engagement and wedding ring were admittedly plain, just like your husband, but they were still sparkly (and highly expensive?) and made you feel special. Your dress, also plain (or was it boring?), made you feel regal. And the venue was filled with your friends (Miles' friends.), so what more could you have wanted?

As you walked down the aisle however, your eyes locked eyes with two men, who were dressed nicely, but with decidedly sour looks on their faces. Worick's seemed out of place, whereas Nic's seemed just slightly more sour than usual.

Sucks to be you. Nic signed bitterly, earning a punch on the arm from Worick.

Best of luck. Talk to you at the reception. Worick signed as quickly as he could.

You frowned briefly. There was no way that Miles would let you talk at the reception; not in front of his friends and business associates. To anyone who didn't know you, you looked like a perfect catch. Beautiful, serene, quiet and demure: Things that a lot of men in Ergastulum wanted. Things you recognized the value of and at this point, wished you were. Things that just didn't quite fit you.

Sure, you weren't a disaster, but if Miles didn't insist on you doing your face every day, even though you had yet to leave the house, you would probably look more average. Serenity... perhaps at one point, but right now your life was far from serene. Quiet... you silently chuckled to yourself. Not unless I have to be, and preferably not in bed. And finally, the word demure itself was almost an affront to your nature. Shy and modest didn't befit a whore, and you definitely identified as one.

Or at least you did. Today, you were all of these things for your husband. After all, marriages are often made of compromises.

As you cut the cake and delightfully took a bite of it, savoring its average taste, you recognized that Worick was staying true to his word. Before he had even gotten a serving of cake, he was at the bride and groom table, hands flying a mile a minute.

AN: I really appreciate all the comments and votes this story has gotten (way more than I thought it would)! So I hope everyone can continue to like this story as I write it!

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