19: Shady Meetings

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"I wanted to thank you for this beautiful daughter of yours, and tell you that if there was anything I could do to help you, that my ears would be open." Miles spoke to your estranged father.

"Ah, so it seems it was no secret where this pretty little thing originated from." He scratched his chin. "Still defective, I assume."

You had to resist rolling your eyes.

"Her ears still are not their best but you can talk to her and she understands what you are saying. Please, go ahead."

"YN, child, is this man treating you well?" You focused hard on what Uranos was saying to you and even harder on formulating a response.

"He," You slowed yourself down. It would be less of a big deal for you to speak slowly, which was a marker of high class anyway, than for you to mess up your words. "Needs more... money for... me."

You smiled and placed your hand over his and smiled, indicating that you were teasing him.

"Ah, raised by Georgiana indeed." Uranos chuckled. "But the ring on her finger is indeed too modest. We will definitely have to upgrade it. Perhaps I can find you some better work than that Twilight loving rat Daniel."

You grinned. If Miles was going to be a jerk to you, the least he could do was throw all of his spare money at you. It seemed like a fair exchange in your mind at least. And if you were also taking your monster of a sperm-donor's money? Win-win.

"How would you feel about..." Uranos continued to speak but you figured your part was over for the time being and stopped paying attention, instead, indulging in the light snacks in front of you. You could still kind of understand what was going on. Miles, it seemed, wasn't too fond of Twilights like Nicolas. Uranos passionately hated them. So they were setting up some kind of ploy behind Daniel's back.

You didn't understand the hatred behind Twilights.

Children of people who used the performance enhancing drug Celebrer; they were of course very strong and very fast. But they were not allow to hurt humans and had to obey orders from humans, so there wasn't any reason to be scared of them. Especially since it was weird enough that they were often going to have a much shorter life-span than a normal human.

Worick had explained it all to you one day, when Nicolas was particularly sick off of overdosing on Celebrer. That was also the day you had met Dr. Theo and Nina.

But those memories were pushed further into the past as Miles stood up abruptly, shook your father's hand and lifted you out of your seat.

"Woob why, wir." You heard Miles say. You gave a quick curtsy and followed behind your husband dutifully back into your car.

"Remember." He said to you, looking dead in your eyes. "Not. A. Word."

You nodded your head. Why would you even care?

"Good. Your father gave us money for a new ring for you. Let's go pick one out, hmm?"

"Okay." You shrugged. That was more like it.

Stripped (Nicolas x Reader x Worick)Where stories live. Discover now