30: Falling Apart

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"It's gone to shit! It's all gone to shit!" Miles came in screaming, covered in blood. You had looked up at him as soon as you saw the door open.

You looked up from the couch, in your very expensive chemise, and then back down at your book.

Too bad this bastard didn't die. You thought.

"You're on lock down. Not leaving this house. It's much too dangerous. Let the lackeys handle it."

Lackeys being my two favorite men. You sighed, but didn't answer the man.

"I wouldn't be surprised if we lost over half the men at the end of the night. Maybe even two-thirds by the end of the week. I don't know who has launched this attack, but we're not prepared. I have to go to Daniel's. Stay put." He walked over, kissed your head, grabbed a fruit and exited once again.

What a downer. You thought to yourself. Walks in, tells me I can't leave-- not that I can ever leave anyway-- says that everyone is dead or going to die, grabs a fucking fruit and leaves. Cool, I didn't need any explanation on that. I wish Worick or Nic were here to fuck. It's been so long.

If you had been able to hear, you would have heard the screams that were going on outside. Maybe then, you would have been nervous.

But Worick and Nic were nervous for you. They wanted to come see how you were holding up in the chaos. Did you even know that there was chaos? Were you safe? These were important questions that they had no one to ask. And certainly, they couldn't just waltz up to Miles' house and check in on you.

First, Miles would definitely find out and likely try to kill them. Second, they'd be too distracted from their current jobs at the very sight of you.

Worick smiled to as he walked down the street.

"It might be a shit show now, but things might work out for the very best. I could end up with you in the end still. Or at least sharing you until that guy runs himself dry." He thought about the last time he saw Nic. "Which might be sooner rather than later."

I'd like to see her one last time... I didn't meant for us to get so attached but it's not often you meet another Deaf person. Nic thought to himself. I miss her. I miss seeing her face light up when she sees me. I almost miss spending time with her and Worick together. We're a-- I honestly hate to say it-- enjoyable trio.

So in the end, both men were going to try their best to stay alive for you.

If you were aware at all that Ergastulum was crashing down around you, then perhaps you would have made the same vow, however, you didn't know anything that was happening. To you, the world was mostly quiet as you enjoyed your book. Something was going on with Miles at work and that was about as much as you cared to know.

If something was really wrong, someone would come and get you, right?

Stripped (Nicolas x Reader x Worick)Where stories live. Discover now