Chapter 14

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"You OK?" Vix holds Mal by her shoulders as she gets up, stretching her arms out. All of them worried, kids were wanting to hug her but afraid of hurting her more. "It's good." Mal replies, petting each of the kids head, AJ squirming in the backpack as she places a kiss on his hairy head.

"I hate to interrupt your little cry fest but can we get the fuck outta here? Please?" Jasper growled. They all boosted each other up onto the bleachers and out of the smashed window of the gym. They ended up being chased down the spillway and over the fence into a neighborhood.

"Inside the house. Now!" Jasper ordered, they all ran through the sliding glass door and he closed it from behind.

"So that worked out well." Max then saw the frustrations building up in Mal's face, "We'll go check this side of the house." He walked off towards the kitchen and the others left as well leaving the two alone. "Jasper."

"Somebody had the same idea. They stole my shit." Jasper said, fuming up.

"Well, then what the hell is plan B?"

"You ought to be thankful you're still drawing breath. That was plan A,B,C all the way to fuckin' Z!"

"There's has to be another way, Jasper! We just got to-" His gaze then fell upon a shadow behind Mal, a body swinging from the ceiling. "Oh Jesus..." Mal muttered at the sight, Jasper had a shocked expression on his features, "What? You know this guy or something?"

"Cullen..." Jasper said.

"Who the hell's Cullen?" Mal scoffed rather coldly.

"He was my partner..." Jasper glared. He proceeded to cut him down, the body had bites and she could hear hurt in Jasper's breaths. This Cullen didn't want to turn so he hanged himself, Mal wanted to know the relationship with him and Jasper.

"Well fuck him..." He spat, causing Mal to forget and moved on. "Hey guys!" Lalon shouted from the other side of the hallway, where they open to a garage. Mal immediately gasped at the sight of a Ford truck, not rusted yet stable. Max's in the truck, turning over the engine. "Look what we found." He smiled. "It's got some juice in it."

Lugh and Jasper walked up to the hood that was popped open, "That's my battery." Jasper said. "That fucking asshole." He slammed the hood down shut, "Get out, get out." Jasper repeated.

"Okay geez." Max scoffed. He entered the truck and tried to turn over the engine to no avail.

"The battery's drained, but the cells are alive." Lugh said.

"Meaning?" Vix asked.

"Meaning we push it, get it started and the alternator will recharge the battery." Jasper explained before Lugh could.

Mal scoffed, "That your guess?"

"Look you wanted a "plan B" This is as good as it gets."

"Ok, kids you all get inside the truck, Killeen you'll drive." She handed Johan the shotgun, she was shocked at the size but taken it.

His eyes in shock. "Me? But-"

"You wanted to drive, here you go. Max will help you, you got it?"

He nod, "got it."

"Good." Mal said walking back. Killeen gripped the steering wheel tightly, "You guys are doin' a good job... I figured you should know that."

"I won't let you down with this." Killeen assured.

"I know. You boys are forgiven." As soon as they were ready, Jasper opened the garage door.

"Alright, put 'er in first." He asked.

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