Chapter 43

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It's the start of the last summer season, the August season. The following week Mal had picked up her game into working easier jobs. All the jobs did consist of fixing the fence, killing a few Infected, burning the dead ones that are useless. Finally, she can work in the greenhouse, harvesting the gardens, washing clothes, and serving food to the people. She had enough points to but food.

She sat alone as she ate a baked potato with sweet sugar brown carrots, and deer roast. Less of the people aren't staring at her with vicious eyes. It's as they're becoming more comfortable with her. There once was a time where they were nice to her. When giving a few carpet coats to one of the women who tracks on the market, she thanked her and gave her a couple points, smiling at Mal. She couldn't help to feel strange of people being gentle and nice to her.

A Mexican older boy, young adult took a seat across Mal.

"Hello, there. Thought I would give you some company." He said in a cheery way. "I'm one of Sheree's friend, Tucker. Or you can call me Tuck or Tucky. Whatever you want."

"I guess you already know who I am."

"You are the infamous, the craziest, the psychopathic yet beautiful Mal!" Tucker yelled to the top of his voice, and the crowd stared back at them.

"Yeah," agreed Mal. "That's me."

Tucker sipped from a bottle of pop and burped eloquently.

"So you liking the Sanctuary," said Tucker.

"It's alright." Murmured Mal.

"With the points you're getting, you can be like us. Unless, you are gonna kill Negan. Which I doubt you can beat him. He's pretty tough nut to cut on."

"I don't want to kill Negan." Mal complained grumpily. "I want to know what Negan wants from the Tradepost."

"He-he, he does want the Tradepost, but not to destroy it," said Tucker through a yawn. "It's mostly to claim it and wanting Charlie to answer him about what he's doing with the place, why bringing those eeky Claimers and Shakespearean people, and something else as well."

Mal eats her last forkful, then Tucker gets up. "I have to go back to work. Babysit the little guys in the daycare."

"How many kids does the Sanctuary have?" Asked Mal. "I'm curious. I notice there aren't a lot of kids here."

A grief look covered his face. "We use to have loads of children. Had a school for them. It was so tragic; Negan was torn apart, furious on finding the monster who did. Someone in the Sanctuary kidnapped them and well, half were killed from fighting Infected and/or escaping. Negan found and killed those people. A few of the survivors are young adults like me now And the others are around five to ten. Yet we do have expecting mothers coming along, so there is hope to bring in more children back. Make this place more bright that it was before."

He gives a wink as his smile comes back. "See ya."

She heads back to go into the storage to make room for the supplies that Negan's gonna go to the Tradepost and take half. God, how will her friends be when they meet him.

Suddenly someone bumps into her shoulder. "Sorry," Mumbled Mal.

"I'm sorry as well. Mal, right?" The man stops, eyeing Mal. "You're the one killing our men."

She sighed. "I didn't do it. I did not want to go there."

"Alright, I shouldn't make calls. But, I can't wonder how a cute little bunny take on a bunch of full grown men."

An assault of his laughter startled her. Mal's heart drops, her skin feels like it's on fire but her core is ice cold.

"You ever lonely? Didn't take Negan's offer as his wife? That's surprising 'cause like every woman wants him and agrees willingly." Mal made a revolting face at the man.

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