Chapter 55

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Charlie invited everyone he traded and alliances with to come over and have a group discussion about what they'll be doing from now on. He's been talking about them, giving insights about the KillGames. When his brother first made the original KillGames he didn't understand what their purpose is until the Flyer Frontiers were brining along children to fight defenseless in a Infected pit to train and make them strong. To give them ration dollars and supplies if they live.

He remembered the emotions he felt when watching each and every game. The excitement for the kids, the sheer power that his brother held. He hated being weak, have no power. But as the Saviors and Negan took everything: his friends, his family, his gain to be a general, a savior for survivors, the way he used to be when he helped many folks they took it all away.

Now he rebuilt a new KillGames in a different spot, collided with other groups such as the Claimers needing guns and Glory giving the guns and getting food from Charlie. His plan turned great. Suddenly as Negan suspected him he had to be quiet in these two week. However when he killed his favorable Boys and took his most valuable prize, he wished many times to kill Negan with his bare hands. He missed Mal so much; her small fragile body, how so weak and pathetic she was, just like any woman she is. What made him like her more was how he reveled the power he gained control over her, over the Calvary Boys he'd tortured, and the Tradepost.

The Claimers, Glory herself, her people, and the Calvary Boys sat in chairs on the long oak table. The meeting took on the left side where he took the party in, and up on the right dark door it opens to a large room. Behind Charlie is a fireplace made from gold. The room is like a palace for a president.

He let his servants, young woman, to pour glasses of wine for everyone as he sits on his thrown, clearing his throat before announcing his speech.

"Thank you for all coming this evening. I gather you all for some intellect proposition."

"About the KillGames?" Simon, the leader of Claimers, asked.

"Indeed. The rebuilt model will be in full production, fully operated. Although will test out our first competitors me everything is considered well done."

"When will it happened cause I can't keep anymore go those brats in the pens."

"Thee can't coequal putteth those folk in those pens, thee taketh those folk, pursuit disgusting thoughts to the children and violate their wilt." Glory accused Simon, growling under her breath. "Thee art a parasite feeding off their wilt of square. Those gents won't beest able to coequal survive with thy diseased hands."

Simon pounced out of his chair when Charlie stops his, signaling his palm out for the other Claimers to hold him back. He gritted his dirt yellow teeth. "Enough." Charlie demanded. "All our misjudged and faults will be fixed. Let me continue."

Simon then sits down, clenching his fist, glaring his eye at the thinly gaunt woman and cursed 'bitch' at her.

Charlie's face darkened. "I was there when we found Fairview. Me, Charlie Marion. I helped build those stinking towns and this Tradepost. I scouted the first trade route trough the Ruins. I brought the first wagons of supplies from the cities to help reinforce the fence. I was the one who raided the hospitals and brought back half a ton of medical supplies for the Flyer Frontiers. Most of the men who protect the traders, the Flyer Frontiers and city scavengers used to work for me or were trained by me. And I brought more survivors, including a couple hundred whole families out of the Ruins to the Tradepost, the Eleven Towns. I've saved more people than you ever met. Now today I'm still fighting for anything and these KillGames will make history, and hope for people."

He stands up once more, a glass high up in his hand. "A hundred years from now, when they write the history of the Black Night and the years followed, they'll put my name down as the greatest hero of the Infected war. Me, Charlie Marion."

Charlie never felt so proud of himself, believing himself that he will be in the books. Not any Bounty Hunter or that notorious fucking Negan and his Saviors.

"Tonight, today, this will be history. This is the source of our survival. We will take down and burn the rest of this shit hole, let the ashes burn to the ground, let anything from the Flyer Frontiers disappear upon the Ruins, and let the children rise and become warriors! And with the Savior, we'll kill every last one of them, bit by bit."

He heard the Claimers, Glory, and her men triumphing for him. Simon gets up, a glass in his hand. "To Charlie. The KillGames."

Glory raised her glass, smiling and nodding the Claimers. "Hail Charlie, wilt beest readeth in history and KillGames wilt glorify still for power and survival."

He heard the laughter of ownership and reliance.

He grinned and let the power flow through his veins. This is what he wanted for many years, what he needed to take when his own brother took in charge and decide a different path. Power is the only thing that matters, and the sad news is that no one will not have enough to stop him.

He sips his drink and quiets their voices down. "Claimers... You boys do me a favor and take any child in this place and bring them along with the others we have into the pen. As well as you my Boys. The rest of you, make a scene, burn this sanctuary to the ground. If Negan comes, try to fight them for the greater cause."

And all of them left the building before he stops Calvin and Simon.

"Go out to the Sanctuary, and if you see Mal- you know what she looks like right?" Charlie said in a voice that was surprisingly calm because he's blissful. "You see her, take her immediately. I miss her dearly and I want to know what she's been telling and doing with the greedy bastard Negan. I want her reaction when she finally sees my perfection."

"Yes, boss."

He leaves when Calvin laughed. "You want Mal back?" He sneered. "She already may have told him everything. She will kill you."

"She won't. She could of in the beginning but didn't. She wants me, needs me."

He took one more step, and this time Calvin was too flummoxed to step back. "So you like what I offer?"

"Using my Boys into the game just for a quarter of ration dollars, and still if they don't agree you do your... punishments." He shrugs but Charlie read annoyance and vengeance in his eyes.

"I hate it when I hurt all of you, but an adult has to order his children. You are mine, I created you, made you."

"Maybe you did all that in those years as a Bounty Hunter. But it still doesn't give you the right to do the other things you're doing."

"Don't it? Being 'right' is all about living up to a set of laws, and there are no laws out here in the Ruins. Negan thinks he owns half of Wyoming, but I'm the too dog out here, I get to make whatever laws I want and what ever offer I give you, no matter what costs."

Calvin gritted through his teeth, looking away. He reaches out his hand, grazing over his soft cheek, so soft. "You understand?"

"I understand."

"Good," he smirked, leaning over to breath on his pale pink ear, a couple of spot aren't painted on. "Now I need you listen careful. These children are important so I want you to not make any mistakes."

Charlie's delightful as he tells him everything. He's going to make his family name go into the books. Starting with destroying and erasing the Tradepost and Saviors.

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