Chpater 46

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Mal looked up at Negan when he took her bak to his room. The man had went over the cupboards, stretched his fingers to get a glass and use the faucet to pour a glass of water together. He gulps. "Ahh! Refreshing."

Mal's heart hammered in her chest. She hasn't much time to think on escaping his grasp. It had all happened so fast, and she can't feel anything, she basically froze in a spot, waiting anything bad to happen. Surely....surely Negan just wanted to mess with her? This was all just a mind game, a way of keeping an eye on Mal, of controlling her. Surely Negan didn't want to---

"So! Let's get the show on the road." Negan interrupted Mal's increasingly panicked thoughts, crossing her arms and looking Mal up and down. "You look and smell like an ass load of shit." Negan chuckled. "You can use the bathroom as I bring you some clothes."

She stand there, no response. "Well, go on. Or you want me to give you some company?" She then walks over Negan's seedy comment.

Walking into the room on the left of his large bed, she took in the large bathroom, it was bigger than anything she'd seen. A huge sunken tub dominated the corner of the room, the depth contrasting with the high wooden ceiling. The walk-in shower was situated opposite the tub, partly covering the stone look wall, it was the perfect mix of modern and classic. Mal was impressed, especially that it has the similar good taste of Negan's bathroom.

The advantages of being in an apocalypse, Mal thought.

Locking the door behind her, she stripped off and stepped inside the shower, closing the door behind himself. She'd never been so confused by a shower before, there were so many knobs that it took her more time that she'd like to admit to figure out exactly how to turn it on. Even longer to get the settings right. She breathed in and enjoyed the heavy pressure of the hot water, it was more perfect that she could imagine. The water massaged over her aching skin, bringing a delightful pleasure that spread over her. It did nothing to stop the ache that she'd been trying to ignore between her mind.

Why Negan didn't kill her? It's a confusion. There's a sense of disbelief that he is gonna use her, be like- no, it can't be. She doubts it so she hopes Negan will explain everything, if he will be honest.

Stepping out the shower she grabbed one of the pearly white towels from the rack and wrapped it around herself. She wiped at the steam from the grand mirror above the sink and took a look at herself. Allowing her eyes to trail over her body she was relieved to see no visible marks from the old remains of Charlie. She leans her ear on the door for any shuffling or footfalls and there was nothing. Bracing herself in nothing but a towel, she opens the door.

Negan was gone. Below the entrance of the door is a clean folded clothes in Mal's size. She took a deep breath and shoved her underwear and bra on under the towel; she grabbed her undershirt and walked back in the bathroom. She quickly drops the towel as she puts the jeans on. She slipped the black tank top shirt over her head; it fit her completely. Finishing it off with putting the flannel red plaid shirt, not buttoning it, she opens the door and starts to search through the place.

Her first try was to grab one of his trophy bats, however, they were chained up, locks on them and he would have the key. She check the cabinets when they all had a lock in them with a key needed as well; most that were locked would be the knives an forks. She did rummaged through his drawers to find a comb, gel hair, condoms, sex toys, and she slammed the drawer, sitting on the bed.

"What do expect Mal?" She groans. Hearing a noise from the bedroom she padded over by the leather couch, poising herself to be ready for anything.

"Don't you look beautiful." He brought a bright smile, leans back, Ellie on his shoulder.

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