Chapter 61

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Max led the others through the dark smelly tunnels out towards the city. Was he scared? Yes. Was he afraid he will fail them, lead them to a trap? Somewhat. But he keeps on what would the RK's do, what would Mal and think. He made them calm, to keep their head up, and to not panic.

"You think Negan will let Mal go?" Rin asked.

"I think he will. He only needed her for getting the Tradepost." Max replied.

"I thought he wanted to destroy the Tradepost?" Johan said.

He shakes his head. "No, he never wanted to destroy the foundation of survival. He knew something off on Charlie's alliance with the Claimers and those weird language people, how he treated his people, abandoning his charges, and such."

They walked down the smelly, fogged sewer. Their footfalls stepped in the muddy algae water, creeping through dark terrain with barely any lights as their only sight is the murky water an hearing the sounds of dripping water and once a while a small sound of a rat shimming by the kids. Max wished to bring a flashlight, knowing that he might be lost in their tracks in the sewer, and in a tiny moment later there was a flash of orange light in the distance at the end of the tunnel. It glow bright then dimmed a smit, burning the darkness away.

"What's that?" Killeen asks.

Max never got to reply as there is an immediate crack like thunder and it was the loudest sound Max had ever heard. The orange light turned brighter and was coming closer in the tunnels.

And then the floor beneath the tunnels exploded fire.

There is trip wire on the floor, causing booms in the tunnels. It was a trap, a setup. Crests of asphalt dust collapse overtop of them. Fire grew bigger, the air is getting hotter.

"Move back!" He order and they ran backwards to where they came. Fire flashed again behind them, each burst punctuated by a huge boom. Suddenly Johan screams, Max pulled his gun out at Magnus holding her up by the air.

Then a few Claimers climb down the stairs, crowding over them. Killeen swings his pipe at one of their heads, knocking one down as the other free a knife, and Max made the ultimate decision. He aims and pulls the trigger.

The bullet hits the mans stomach, he crouches, holding his hand on the wound, blood spitting out on his hand and the watery ground. As that happened, Max is punched his jaw, pain soared below his teeth, spitting blood.

"Oh, Max. You have grown up," Calvin belts, laughing in a menacing chuckle. "Shot a man, trying to get out to save poor Mal from the big bad Negan." He waves a button to show the trigger of those bombs.

"Why?" He gritted his teeth so hard, wanting to pounce on that stupid ugly smile.

"For survival, for the fun of it don't care. Charlie wants all of you to be in the KillGames. You will be out champions, out showmanship."

He was grabbed up in the air, wriggling out his grip but nothing. AJ's scream was daunting and Rin yelled as Calvin takes AJ by Killeen. AJ cried in a fit, reaching those tiny hands out for the kids. Everything was a setup. Max wonder if Vix, Lugh, and Lalon were caught as well or they made it. All he knows be tries his best, just wished his luck didn't run out of them.

"Don't worry kiddo's. You'll meet Mal again very soon." His chuckle echoes through the tunnels and at the kids.

As they were forced back into the Tradepost, the Tradepost is being burned alive and Max wondered if this was what it must have been like during the battles on the Black Night. Darkness, screams, fire eating the structures of homes, and the bang and flash of artillery. The kids stopped to see in shock and horror as the north watchtower is on fire, the gates are opened as a couple dozen of Infected rushed in through the open gates. Everyone screamed in panic, trying to defend the Tradepost, pulling the triggers as Glory's people created chaos, burning apartments and rations.

As they were passed to the gates, Rin gasps to see a familiar face. Greasy Cindy was not moving on the ground, laying on her back. The light illuminated her face and Max gasped, almost gagged. The back of her head was a tangle of matted, bloody hair, and the blood had run down her neck and soaked her back.

He slaps his hands at the Claimer holding him, swaying around as he tries to help someway of Cindy but he isn't going any where. He screams in fury as they meet up Charlie in a military truck.

"Got them all," Calvin said.

"Where are the others?"

He said nothing.

"You didn't find them!?"

"I thought-"

He didn't finish when a huge slap crossed his face. "If they find Negan and say about this we're doomed. Do you understand?" He fiercely spat at the cowering Calvin. He nods his head.

"Say it."

"I understand."

They went and the kids are pulled into the back of the trucks, full of other whimpering kids, and they were swallowed by darkness, all in dread of failure and unknowing where they are going, if they will make it out. Looking at each other Max grabs Killeen's hand and he grabs Johan's and she grabs Johan. Together they will do their hardest best to escape, find AJ, and get out of this mess and the KillGames.

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