Chapter 21

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"They're coming!"

"I KNOW!" Mal replied, hauling on the food for all she was worth as the first Runner leapt down into the field and began to charge them. Lugh takes the shot of each one coming, Runners fall on the ground, twitching from the impact of the bullet. More come in, raging into a large herd.

"We better move!" Lalon, Mal, and Vix carry the elk, edging into the door of the building, Runners are screeching. The Calvary Boys kept laughing in the distance as they disappeared.

"There's too many of them!" Mal worrisomely said. She drew out her bow, nocking and firing each Runner coming in the field. It never stopped when a female Infected, face split open to reveal her muscles and skull strides in the right side out of nowhere, pushing on top of Mal. She falls, shoving her arms away at the snapping teeth Infected. The vile breath choked Mal, so rotten she ripping the entire skin of its ribs. Finally, Vix stabs the cranium and helps Mal up.

"We need to get inside."

"Oh crap!" Runners charged in, crowding them into the wall with the shutters. Lalon and Vix carry up the shutters, letting Vix crawl through and pull the chains to open this shutter. "We have to leave it!" Lugh suggested, shooting a tall aggressive Runner down.

"We can't. This is our supplies. We need it back." Mal said.

"The Runners will get distracted, eat it so we have time to get out."

"...Fine." Then she drops as a Runner lands itself on one of the antlers, piecing through the stomach and rips the throat, poison the meat with flesh and black blood. The perfect time to see a amazing animal and sacrifice it now all gone from those selfish immature Calvary Boys.

Mal's going to make those boys pay for this.

"Under now! Go! Go!" Lalon and Vix dived through the barely hip-high space. Lalon jumped back onto his feet and grabbed the shutter with a growl of effort and discomfort, struggling to hold it open.

"Okay, Mal and Lugh! Come on!" Vix shrieked.

Lalon went and Mal barely escaped the clawing fingers of the first few Runners as she threw herself under the shutters with a shout of "DROP IT!" Vix and Lalon jumped back as Mal yanked her feet back inside, just barely getting clear of the shutter as it slammed down with a loud crash. Lugh hauled her to her feet as the Runners beat relentlessly on the unyielding metal, screaming their frustrated hunger. With every deafening blow, all four jumped back a pace.

After a long few moments, everyone's breathing and pulse rates dropped back down below 'crisis' level. Vix noticed something and looked downwards. What she saw made her pale. "Uh... Mal? You've... you've got something on your shoe!"

Mal looked down too and grunted in annoyance. One of the Runners had clearly got hold of her ankle. The falling shutter had sliced through the Infected's festering arm like a cleaver and the lower arm, ending just above the elbow, was still firmly attached to its prospective prey. Mal shook it off without any change of expression.. "Okay, so how do we get out of this place and find that oh fearless Calvary Boys and his leader?" she snarked to Vix.

Vix shot Mal a sour look. "We'll have to find out but there's no rush. The place seems secure; it would be smart to wait until the ruckus dies down just a bit." Vix jerked her head towards the shutters where the Runners were still pounding and shrieking. "Let's see what we can find here."

She hates them all. Every. Single. Of. Them. Calvin would be the number one to be the most loathing hates.

The Calvary Boys, as you can tell, are young teens and adults working as guards for Charlie. Each were Flyer Frontiers from the brand bars imprinted in their skins and the attitudes, oh boy, you knew they were definitely one of them. Somehow after the fall of the Lucius War, Charlie recruited them for highly trained skills and- well personal affections he has. Charlie so much has the sexual frustration from the Calvary Boys, how he tried to contain himself the disturbing hasty thoughts. How their bodies are toned yet slim as a woman's body, their thick thighs shown when they walk, and he advise them to be shirtless, what he said to show the bravery although Charlie just wanted to see them naked, imagining the boys in his sinister thoughts. The stories he told Mal continued so long she knew Charlie wasn't just made into this perverted monster, he's born with it.

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