The Ruins Part II

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Mal let her hand calm down, shaking from the pain of punching the men she'd killed in here. Clutching her hands Mal fingers moved over the strings of the guitar easily, she tuned the second top string to emit the perfect sound; the words tumbled out of her mouth effortlessly as she played the song, picking the strings between her fingers.

I walk through the valley
Of the shadow of death
And I fear no evil
Because I'm blind to it all

And my mind and my gun
They comfort me
Because I know I'll kill my enemies
When they come

Blood trickled down from the wound at the top center area of her forehead, it slicked down past her eye, slowing down as it rolled onto her left cheek.

Surely goodness and mercy
Will follow me all the days of my life
And I will dwell on this earth forevermore

The house, small as it was, housed a decent amount of people to hide in. But that didn't stop her from raging hell on all of them, slicing them open and shooting them. Their bodies strewn in various rooms, the hallway, the bathroom; one man lay by her mangled feet as she played, his blood pooling at her old converse and staining the floor beneath his lifeless body.

Said I walk beside the still waters
And they restore my soul
But I can't walk on the path of the right
Because I'm wrong

Silent steps pressed against the floor, but Mal knew who is was, Negan let her finish her song. She strums and stops playing.

But I can't walk on the path of the right
Because I'm wrong

"What are you doing, baby girl?" The gruff voice asked softly. He knew the answer, he knew Mal too well.

Mal glanced down at the body by her feet. He stared at her, his face unwavering as Mal shifted her feet in the ground, she fiddled with the guitar before setting it down beside her on the bed. She stared at the object, so warm and comforting to her.

"Can I ask you a favor," she paused, not looking away from the instrument. "Promise me that when it comes I can borrow Ellie and use her for the moment. And I'm gonna kill every last one of them."

Mal looked up at the end of her whispered vow, to her right, leaning on the doorframe, was Negan. The man who was a enemy, now an ally and friend, who was there to tell all the pains she was inflicted on.

Negan saved her when she needed him most; and he killed the KillGames and Charlie for her.

She would kill every last one of them!

"Okay." He said.

The Ruins Part II

(A/N what is happening fans. That's right, there is a second book and it's already published.

The Ruins Part II

Why called part two because it's a continuation of the first book about three months passing by and I wanted to make as a sneak peak and the second book is published. Also the teaser is inspired by the trailer of The Last of Us Part 2 so I picked this song and yes if you noticed, Negan kept his promise of Mal playing guitar. Thank you for enjoying this, vote and I'm glad you enjoy the story and let's continue this)

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